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Can I use a custom link for form submissions in Webflow? I want to maintain consistency and use our own custom button instead of the default submit button.


Yes, you can use a custom link for form submissions in Webflow. By default, Webflow uses a submit button to trigger form submissions. However, if you want to maintain consistency and use your own custom button, you can achieve this by using a combination of Webflow's interactions and some custom code.

Here's how you can go about it:

1. Design your custom button: Create a button element and style it according to your requirements using Webflow's Designer. You can apply different states, animations, and styles to the button to enhance its appearance and user experience.

2. Set up the form: Drag and drop a form element from the Add panel onto your page. You can customize the form fields based on your needs.

3. Add an interaction to the custom button: Select the custom button element, go to the Interactions panel, and create a new interaction. Choose the trigger that suits your requirements, such as a click or hover interaction. In the interaction settings, select an action that suits your needs, such as "Redirect to URL."

4. Specify the custom URL for form submission: In the interaction settings, enter the custom URL where you want the form to be submitted. This URL can be any valid destination, such as an external or internal page on your website, an API endpoint, or a third-party form processing service.

5. Customize form submission behavior using custom code: By default, Webflow's form submission triggers a page refresh after the form is submitted. If you want to modify the behavior and provide a more seamless experience, you can prevent the default form submission behavior using JavaScript and then handle the form submission in a custom way.

To do this, you can add a script tag to the page's custom code settings in the Project Settings. Inside the script, you'll prevent the default form submission behavior and handle the submission using AJAX or other methods.

Here's an example of how you can achieve this using jQuery:



Remember to replace `/thank-you` with the actual URL you want to redirect the user to after the form submission is processed.

By combining Webflow's interactions and custom code, you can use your own custom button for form submissions while maintaining consistency with your website's design.

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