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A beautiful example of a horizontal slider created with GSAP for Webflow. As the user scrolls through the site it smoothly transitions to a horizontal slider. This slider was built using GSAP & ScrollTrigger.js and you can find the custom code in the page settings. This is not setup to use Webflow CMS although it could be modified if you have an understanding of GSAP and code. The horizontal scroll can be modified to adjust the scaling of the image, rotation and much more. Be sure to check out this horizontal slider if you're looking to implement a GSAP variation on your Webflow site.

A simple and easy to implement page loader using all of the letters of the alphabet in Webflow. Everything is accomplished with Webflow interactions and zero custom code.

A full size product/service slider perfect for a pricing page or features page in Webflow. This slider features a single product per slide with transition effects between each slide. Includes custom cursors, slide transitions/interactions and a well designed features section.

A beautifully designed, multi-step custom onboarding form perfect for your SaaS, web design or site which requires a multi-step form. This is a complete onboarding form page design that allows for multi-step progress via a bit of Javascript. You will find the necessary JS and CSS files within the pages custom code settings. One set of code allows the form to use the arrows for the next and previous form pages. This form also features a unique range slider which was used for the date. This can be customized to your own requirements but is a well designed, multi-step onboarding form that allows you to break down long questionairres or onboarding forms into small, bite size pieces.

A free cloneable hero section with blue and white fonts. Includes buttons, social media links and a pre-made menu.

Here's a full page iPhone mockup design for Webflow. A great way to add an iPhone mockup design to your site with all of the elements already designed for you.

Here's a way to add zoom in images on click via a native Webflow interaction. Custom code is involved to disable/enable the body scroll only. Be sure to copy the custom code for the body scroll toggle on modal pop up. This is perfect for showcasing a product where zoom-in is required to view the close up details of that product. The interaction works only for desktop and on mobile it will only be normal image without the zoom in effect.

A unique parallax style section that features dynamic scroll interactions for Webflow. As you scroll down an image and background sections move at different speeds providing a unique Parallax style effect. There's also multiple different images that appear when hovering over the links on the side. All of this is built with Webflow's native interactions and no custom code.

A simple pricing table with a three column design for Webflow. This simple pricing table features a blue design with gradients, animated circles background, and a primary pricing package with features options.

Here's a unique parallax blur scrolling animation that's perfect for portfolio sections in Webflow. This parallax blur scrolling animation effect adds the image that's being scrolled to the background with a blur filter effect. All of this is achieved via native Webflow interactions.

A wonderful CMS image gallery powered by Webflow's native CMS system. This is a great way to add a lightbox styled image gallery that's driven solely by Webflow CMS. Upon click of an image a full page modal window is displayed with other image thumbnails able to be clicked on and viewed within that modal.

A fully built Webflow CMS for structured data to help provide insight into how to structure your Webflow CMS to support markup and Google Structured Data.

Another way of adding unique interactions and animations to the menu loading of your navbar. This demo showcases a grid menu animation on click. The menu wrapper consists of 2 grids, one 3x3 and another smaller 4x8 nested grid on the lower left corner. The panels scale from the bottom to the top and left to the right on click. The text also appears staggered motion from bottom to top. On close the text fades out and moves back down, and the menu panels scale back to 0 in a staggered way.

An infinite diagonal parallax slider for Webflow that's draggable or can be changed via arrow keys.

Five different mega menu navigation designs for Webflow. This helps you add unique mega menu designs to your Webflow site that feature different mega menus dropdowns perfect for your site.

A perfect way of adding login and pop up modals to your Webflow site. These sign up and log in modal windows are well designed with custom form inputs, buttons and open/close interactions.

A tag/tooltip hover badge perfect for your Webflow site. When yo hover over the colors, individual tags/descriptions follow the cursor on your Webflow site. Be sure to add the HTML embed code to your sites for this to work. The elements are all created by created an element ID and associating the HTML embed script with the element ID.

A fully responsive 3D flippable/foldable card effect on hover. You can also achieve this via the scroll method as there are two options in this demonstration. These affects were created using Webflow's native interaction and require no additional code. The interaction uses hover event and rotate and move actions.

Here's a way to add a contact form popup modal to your Webflow site. Perfect for quotes, advanced contact forms and more via a pop up modal overlay. This contact form overlay includes custom open/close interactions, form inputs, submit button and shadows.

Here's a unique way to show off your team cards on your Webflow site. When you hover over a card a social media panel appears on the right hand side. The dots are color coded to match the brand color of the social media platform. You can place text or icons inside of these dots as well. On the hover a panel appears with the brand color and a large social media icon. The image rotates -10 degrees to 10 degrees on hover. The animation is pretty straight forward. The only thing to note is that the dots had to placed in the same wrapper so that when you hover over the dots you could target a sibling element within the interaction. This allowed to make sure that the effect could be repeated across multiple cards by targeting the sibling classes of the dots.

A pricing chart tooltips created in Webflow via native Webflow dropdowns. This tooltip was created using Webflow dropdowns and was built for desktops and mobile breakpoints and is fully responsive.

A fancy scrolling interaction to showcase your work in Webflow. This cloneable uses Webflow's native CMS and the power of Webflow interactions to create a smooth scrolling interaction in which each slide is a different section. Upon scrolling the images move in smoothly and the headline and description appear. This is a rather extensive interaction as it deals with scroll actions and scale, opacity, move based on the location of the page.

Here are 9 easy to use minimal page transitions for your Webflow site. Add some dynamic flair to your sites page transitions via these premade Webflow cloneable transitions.

A unique way of adding dynamic and animated portfolio items to your portfolio page. These bubbles automatically float up and include mouse interactions to access different pages.

A simple, yet elegant accordion interaction for your Webflow site. This accordion has pre-built interactions so that when a user clicks on the accordion the information is expanded and then closed on second click.

Social media sharing buttons with hover interactions for Webflow. These social sharing buttons feature a unique aspect in which the entire background color changes on hover over to the relevant social media sites color scheme. A simple, yet fun social sharing idea. This was built entirely from Webflow interactions and doesn't require any additional code.

A unique pricing table with tabs to rotate between different packages in Webflow. This pricing table offers a unique design pricing packages that utilizes a tab style pricing table to change between different pricing packages. The pricing table defaults to the cheapest tier, and the more expensive plans are hidden behind a table style button. Featuring 3 different pricing packages and unique transitions between each package. This pricing table features a large header, three packages, and unique rounded design.

An easier way to create custom slides in Webflow. Includes animations with static elements or CMS collection lists. This is powered by SlickJS, allowing you to use all of the slider functionality offered without writing any code.

Here's a text masking over a video effect in Webflow. This cloneable demonstrates a technique to allow you to clip a background video using text as the screened blending mode. There's also a demonstration using an image rather than a video.

An automatic timezone clock for cities around the world in Webflow. This shows the current local time for your city and then keeps it up to date every 60 seconds. Custom CSS was used for the blinking effect on the clock. Here's how it works. It uses the data attributes to define the timezone. Custom code is then used to display the local time of your city. There are separate colors for open, evening and closed office hours. These can be styled through their respective classes however you'd like. Find your timezone via timezonedb.com/time-zones. The location row element contains the data-timezone attribute, change that to your timezone. Everything else will auto update.

Here's a technique to add a rotating images on page scroll via Webflow interactions. This adds a dynamic feeling to your site as your users scroll down on your Webflow site the images rotate around the page.

Seven different feature layout designs for Webflow. These unique designs allow you to easily add feature sections to your Webflow site. Great looking, responsive designs.

Looking to create a rotating text effect for your headline and hero section? Here's an easy way to add this effect to your Webflow site. This also works in the preview/designer via a custom HTML code embed.

Rather then a boring toggle switch why not add a bouncing toggle switch to your Webflow site. This is an easy to implement bouncing toggle switch created with an easing animation.

Eight different content layout designs for your Webflow site. Easily add beautifully designed content layouts to your Webflow site.

A testimonial slider animation for your Webflow site. Be sure to clone this so that the transition interactions are created for you without the hassle of recreating them.

A custom slider for multiple images per slide. This allows you to maximize the number of images, or items for each individual slide. Each slide has a transition preview effect and a fanning out animation upon the transition.

A full screen menu for Webflow with hover over interactions. This menu features all the native Webflow interactions required for building a full screen menu. When a user clicks on the hamburger button the Webflow menu slides in from the top. Each menu item includes a hover over interaction in which the cards expand and the colors turn from black to white background and the fonts also change at the same time. Closing the menu slides it back to the top of the page.

Using Airtable and No Code API to power the job listings of a Webflow site rather than using the CMS.

Here's an example of a menu with a slide in interaction and that features a background video for the menu. A fun interaction that adds some depth and liveliness to your Webflow site.

Here's a way to use Webflow's native CMS system for star ratings on your Webflow site. Unlike other alternatives you don't need custom code, simply add the star rating in CMS and it'll populate the stars on your Webflow sites page.

A simple landing page perfect for a digital business card via a QR code or other short URL. This design feature a hover slider effect and large cards to make it easy for users to navigate your digital business card site.

Here's a way of using CSS grid and a small amount of custom code to create a postage-stamp style layout for projects tied into Webflow CMS. A great way to add a custom grid design in Webflow hooked to Webflow's native CMS.

A fun and unique way of adding scroll interactions to your Webflow site. It is slightly difficult to edit the contents of the slides, however you could make these CMS items to make it easier to edit the content within each slide.

A fully designed black and white hero section for Webflow. This Fintech inspired design features unique button designs and interactions, call to actions, review section, mega menu/navigation and much more. Everything you'd need to get started building a hero section for your homepage.

A fun demonstration of how to use jQuery to create a draggable canvas or game. This utilizes custom code within the page settings and will not work on mobile.

A done for you Webflow pricing table component cloneable created by the Flowbase team.

A slick split hero slider design with unique slider transitions that rotate both half of the pages in different directions upon each slide. Perfect for a unique hero section in Webflow that allows for an eye catching and dynamic hero slider section.

Using a combination of lottie, svg and Webflow interactions you can add this head that follows the cursor and mouse on your site.

Want to add some gradients to your Webflow site? Here are 40 free gradients ready to be added to your Webflow sites.

A simple review slider with a lottie star load animation. When each new review slide is loaded the lottie stars load one at a time. This is also mobile responsive and should work at all resolutions.

Here's a technique to autoplay videos on horizontal scroll in Webflow. Using the power of Youtube APIs, window scroll events and the power of Webflow interactions you're able to now create horizontal scroll animations in which videos are automatically played or paused on scroll events. There's also a delay on the play function to add a bit of an intro animation to each video by mixing the scroll into view interactions.

Add numbered paginations to your CMS collection lists via this small custom code snippet.

The starter style guide project for the Relume Library. This project contains a style guide with the necessary pre-built classes. There are no pages, no layouts, and nothing to delete. This simply allows you to get up and running with Relume, easily. The Relume Library uses Finsweet's client-first Webflow style system. You can find the prebuilt page under Drafts/Style Guide. The styleguide comes with Headings (H1-H6), heading classes (heading-xxlarge), Paragraphs, Links, Block Quotes, Lists, text sizes, text weights, letter spacing, line heights, text styles (using custom Global CSS), text alignment, rich text, colors, background colors, premade shadows, UI elements, buttons (with icons, alternates, icon locations), form elements, icons, image wrappers.

Here's an example of displaying information on card hover animation for Webflow. When hovering over the image card the title, author and view project button appears from the upper left of the image. The effect was achieved by placing a div block inside of the card wrapper. In the interactions the div block was set to an opacity of 0% initially. On hover the div block moves to the lower right and the opacity changes to 100%. On hover out the div block returns to its original position and the opacity changes to 0%

Here's how to create an infinite marquee within Webflow using no additional code and strictly based on Webflow interactions. There are numerous examples such as horizontal from right to left, horizontal from left to right and vertical in both directions. This technique uses the page load trigger and by wrapping the items in the marquee (of the same size) in a parent wrapper. That parent wrapper then utilizes the move functionality in Webflow interactions from 0% to 100%. You can then customize the duration to slow down or speed up the marquee animation. A great example of relying on Webflow interactions vs CSS or JS methods.

Three different stunning Swiper.js carousel sliders built for Webflow. The first variation contains a draggable bar, slider dots to indicate which slide is currently active and slider arrows. The second variation features a dark themed variation of the first version. The third is a larger variation of the other two. These designs are all setup for Webflow's native CMS collection so that they can tie into your preexisting CMS items. As mentioned you will need to add the custom script found in the page settings. With this Swiper.js slider you can customize the looping behavior, slides per view, the slides between groups, space between, mousewheel, the transition speed, mobile responsive break points and its actions. You'll notice that classes are associated with many variables in the code, so be sure to use those or update them to your own.

Here's a way to achieve a 3D scrollable isometric grid in Webflow. When you add this to your Webflow sites you'll create a dynamic, scrollable grid that adds a 3D popping effect on hover. This technique is accomplished without any interactions and uses Webflow's native transitions and effects. This example also is tied to Webflow CMS.

Here's a hover effect that adds a border and lines around a logo in Webflow. This effect was achieved by setting the border color to transparent on the initial state and then changing it on the hover state. Lines were placed with a width of 15px and a height of 3px. In interactions it was scaled from 0 to 1 on the x and y axis for the horizontal and vertical lines. To reduce the number of interactions required a class was created for the corner horizontal and vertical lines. Then a combo class was dded and placed the lines in the different corners around the logo. This allowed the use of only two interactions for the horizontal and vertical lines.

An example of how to create a sticky navigation sidebar in Webflow. Perfect for blogs, article pages or other sites that require a sticky sidebar in Webflow. In this demonstration there are three examples of sticky sidebars to showcase that multiple can be added to the same site.

A fun way of adding a little retro 3D grid animation with overlay scan-lines to your background/site.

A unique slider animation for the background image on a site. It utilizes the full viewport and provides a unique animation.

A full UI kit that contains over 40+ different cloneable components and offers a solid base for any Webflow site. The components include hero sections, portfolio sections, content sections, team sections, blog, CTA, FAQ, buttons and footers.

Here's a way to create a feature section that highlights the text and changes the image based on page scroll. This was created with 100% native Webflow interactions.

A recreation of the Slack logo via Webflow native divs and Webflow interactions. A fun way of demonstrating what's capable with Webflow interactions and native Webflow designer. There are four different experiments of movement in this demonstration. This was built via Webflow grid and native interactions.

A full page hero slider section featuring full page image and text transitions in Webflow. A hero section built for photographers and videographers featuring a stylish 3-column slider with large, modern page loading, and a full screen hamburger menu.

Here's a way to add a rounded menu/navigation transition to your Webflow site. When a user clicks the menu the menu loads from the top right to bottom left in a rounded transition.

Here's a demonstration of a category card animation on hover in Webflow. When a user hovers over a card two different lines are shown on hover. To achieve this effect the lines scale in from the top-left and the bottom right around the image. There are two blocks around the image and the lines for each block start animating at opposite angles to create an interesting line effect around the image. The effect is achieved by placing two, absolute div blocks inside of the card wrapper and then moving the first div block a bit to the upper left and the second block to the bottom right. In the absolute div blocks 4 div blocks were placed on each side of the div block. The transform-origin for each line to make sure that they are scaled in from the correct place. Each line starts at a scale of 0 and then changes to 1.

A unique scrolling interaction in which the images scroll up the page and the title changes in Webflow. This scroll interaction was built entirely with Webflow's native interactions and requires no additional code. As the users scroll down the page images from various locations on the page scroll up the page while at the same time the title of each image is shown as they are introduced on the page.

A way to add a dropdown with all the countries and flags to your Webflow site. There are several examples that utilize Nice Select, including flags, no flags and a dropdown only. You can copy-paste the custom code element with a select tag with all the countries in it. Note that this is achieved via JS and you won't be able to preview this within the WEbflow designer.

Here's a way of adding a custom, target style cursor to your Webflow site. This cursor creates both a vertical and horizontal line on the page with a red dot, much like a target/red dot on your Webflow site.

Here's a way to achieve a full view experience on scroll for different sections on your site. Essentially this is a way to achieve snap on scroll between sections with a pagination to indicate which section the viewer is viewing. There is code added to the page so be sure to add that to your site as well. This will not work in preview and will only work on the published site.

This technique allows you to redirect a user to a URL of your choosing after submitting a form on Webflow.

Here's a fully responsive, full page slider with diagonal transitions. Here's a great way to add dynamic slider animations and interactions to your Webflow site slider.

A fun way of changing the gradient background color via mouse in Webflow. Please note this will not work in Firefox. This is a native Webflow interaction and just a single line of CSS code. The CSS controls the pointer events to none while the interactions control the location of the blur and it's surrounding effects.

Here's a way to add scrolling section transitions on a Webflow site. You can easily change the colors of the sections to whatever you choose and implement this easily on your Webflow site.

Here are 8 navigation and menu designs perfect for your Webflow site. Various layouts all with responsive mobile friendly designs ready to go.

Three amazingly designed call to action section scroll interactions created in Webflow. These call to actions are perfect for the bottom of your Webflow sites to create eye popping dynamic elements that draw the users attention.

Prevent Webflow form spam with this unique form validation technique. Using this you'll be able to block spam emails from generic or invalid email addresses from sending you form spam before they get validated with Webflow's native forms. In order to get this to work you'll need to utilize the code found within the closing body tag of the Page Settings. You can customize the invalid domain names within the settings to prevent any domains that you don't want to have form submissions from.

Creating a simple tabs section in Webflow has never been easier thanks to this cloneable. This simple and minimal tabs section design allows you to add tabs styling to your Webflow site.

Here is a unique button with hover animation in Webflow. When you hover on the button the border outlines in a cut from two different points which makes the line look segmented. When you hover over the button the lines seem to move in a clockwise fashion and then reverses on hover out. This was achieved by placing two skewed div blocks at the top and bottom of the button with. the same color as the background. The div block was placed precisely on top of the button border. This makes it look like the border is being cut. Then those to blocks are moved left and right on hover to make it seem like the lines are moving. It's a subtle, yet unique effect that adds an interesting effect on hovering on a button.

Here's a way to add magnetic images to links on Webflow. The images appear as you hover over the links and stick to the mouse and overlay the text over the image. This method relies strictly on Webflow interactions and doesn't require any custom code or HTML embeds. The interactions use a combination of hide/show, scale, opacity text color and border color to work properly.

Integrate GSAP scroll text effects to your Webflow site. Eight different text scroll effects powered by GSAP for your Webflow site. The effects include words sliding up, individual words rotating in, words sliding in from the right, individual letters sliding up, individual letters sliding down, and individual letters fading in. This effect utilizes GSAP, ScrollTrigger and split type in order to work properly, you'll also need to add and modify the pages custom JS code in order for it to work. The code can be modified to change the start offset of the effect, the opacity, the duration, the ease effect and much more. Unlock the power of GSAP for various text effects today in your Webflow projects.

Here's a beautifully designed custom onboarding form to collect/update member information at any time. This could be used for onboarding, profile updating, account setup and much more.

The Mast CSS framework is one of our favorite Webflow frameworks. It's based on a developer first mentality and features essential classes and strategies to help you build efficient Webflow sites. It's built with the less is more mentality, less classes, less elements to maintain which means faster sites and less development time. This framework allows you to quickly build anything from scratch by utilizing an essential set of HTML and CSS building blocks. Get up and running quickly with the Styleguide that features typography, heading classes, body text classes for paragraph, eyebrow text elements, ordered lists, unordered lists, color swatches, text colors, components such as buttons (primary, secondary, text links, form fields with radios and checkboxes, cards, utility classes, padding, alignment, overflow, size, helpers, layout, grids, columns and other helpful items.

Using Mixitup to combine CMS lists into a single list and add both sorting and filtering to your Webflow site.

A full set of social media brand icons in black and white for your Webflow projects. There are several different variations, all in black and white, including SVG icons, button classes, embed boxes and Font Awesome icons.

A free create account/subscription sign up page design for Webflow. This simple login and sign up page design includes gradient input outlines, show/hide password functionality in a dark theme with a beautiful background.

A simple animation that has a scroll bar interaction/animation as you scroll down the page in Webflow. The animation is applied to the class, if you want to add more steps simply duplicate the last step and then edit the content.

Here's a technique to lock the page scroll on a modal pop up window in Webflow. This is useful to ensure that the page doesn't scroll when a popup CTA modal window or mobile navigation modal is shown on your Webflow site.

Here's a way to add a dynamic counter metric section to your Webflow site. This is accomplished via the simple JS available within the custom code section of the page settings.

Here's a well designed, full screen navigation menu with hover image interactions and slide in transitions for Webflow. A unique, classy styled navigation and menu that provides interactions when hovering over text links. The images change out and there are text effects.

Here's a way to have a CMS driven music player, with download functionality for your Webflow site.

Here's a large demonstration of fancy custom cursors for your Webflow site. This allows you to add a huge number of different custom cursors, or helps you understand how to add custom cursors to your Webflow site.

Here's a unique way to add transition animations to a full screen slider. Using both Swiper.js and a GSAP animation script.

A unique 404 page design for Webflow. When a user visits the 404 page the mouse cursor creates a spotlight effect that displays an apology with 100 different languages.

Here's a way to use CMS video backgrounds with Webflow that fit the entire container. This works with Webflow's own compressions, as well as mp4 and webm. The background videos are via lazyload and will only load on scroll.

How about a 3D interactive iPad mockup in Webflow? Here's a way to add an interactive, 3D iPad mockup to your site.

A simple and clean Hero section for a Webflow site that features content on the left and a large lottie hero image on the right. A perfect lightweight and clean Hero design perfect for any SaaS or tech company. The Hero section has a bold statement, two buttons and a large demonstration Lottie image. The design is fully responsive and can be used used to add a hero section to your Webflow sites landing page in seconds. This also uses Webflow's interactions for a unique logo animation on page load. This cloneable does not use any custom code or HTML embeds so adding to your site is super simple.

This is absolutely wild, this is a demonstration of Civilization 6 built with Webflow. This cloneable features 12,400 elements, 1,800 styles, 1,200 assets, and 400 unique interactions. This demonstration shows the possibilities of what can be created with Webflow. The game features all 46 leaders along with their individual soundtracks and nearly every feature of the game. This project comes in at a whopping 124 GB. A true testament of what you can create with Webflow. With this cloneable you can dive in and see exactly how it was built. What's most impressive is a majority of the site is powered by Webflow's native interactions, there are is som additional code but the code is very limited for a project this large and with this many different interactions. Be sure to take a look as you don't want to miss it.