A modern Webflow template perfect for web agencies, web designers and creatives. This template features a modern design aesthetic with a strong hero section with a background video. As you scroll down the page you immediately notice the smooth scrolling effect and a portfolio area. The portfolio area features a large draggable slider and you'll notice the custom mouse cursors utilized on hover states throughout the site. There are strong calls to actions, masked background text videos, and videos placed in unique locations. There's a step process followed by a strong call to action section.
A beautiful creative studio Webflow cloneable template featuring unique interactions and sharp design elements. This template features a hero background video section, menu, custom cursor, steps process, latest works section with hover interactions, scroll animations, awards area, team section, testimonials area and a call to action.
A beautiful Webflow template suitable for a candy shop, retail store, online shop and much more. This template features a stunning use of typography and simplicity, the hero section offers a strong headline and provides information about the product. As you scroll down the page you'll notice smooth scrolling and strong product imagery. You'll also notice a custom cursor and additional information about the product. As you scroll down a parallax image effect occurs followed by additional information about the candy. Further down the page you'll notice the different types of candies offered, when hovering over the imagery changes via a hover effect for each individual candy. There's a large testimonial slider and a draggable product slider. Finally there's a call to action
A beautiful Webflow template ideal for crypto, Web 3.0, and tech related sites. This template features a dark color scheme, gradients and unique Webflow interactions. In this template you'll find a large hero section with colorful gradient cards with load interactions, a large headline and call to action. As you scroll further down the page you'll see a call to action with parallax scroll interactions and blending attributes. A feature section includes gradient button call to actions, a vibrant image with more background blended metric cards. A step process with hover interactions shows a 3D image, like three.js and further steps of the process. A unique FAQ section with hover over images and a pop up modal that displays additional information. A great way of displaying FAQ information in an unusual way.
A real estate hero section design for Webflow. This hero features a custom load animation, call to action buttons, fully designed slide in menu/nav bar and much more. This features a JS snippet to disable scroll once the menu is open, which can be found in the home settings before the body tag.
A free cloneable footer component with gradient background animations, featuring page links, social media buttons and more. For this to work be sure to check the settings and that you have selected the body class (all-pages) go to typography panel and apply 1vw for it.
A fun, predesigned footer for dark sites using a mix blend difference which allows for easy customizing to your sites designs. Includes custom mouse cursor, hover over effects using mix blending, and much more. Make sure you have selected the body class (all-pages) and then go to the typography panel and select 1VW for it.
A free cloneable hero section that includes a scroll to reveal text interaction. As the user scrolls down the page the next section is zoomed into and the text then begins to appear. Make sure you have selected the body (all pages) and update your typography settings to 1vw for it to work.
A free cloneable fashion site hero section, perfect for a website or portfolio section. This was inspired by a Dribble and to test out the authors expertise in Webflow. Initially starting the design in Figma, and then translating it to Webflow. For the interactions the author utilized Class Adder via Finsweet and for the text animations utilized a javascript library provided by Timothy Ricks.