Webflow sync, pageviews & more.

Custom List Bullet Color


Custom List Bullet Color


Easily update Webflow's native bullet list color with this simple CSS script. Updating Webflow's native list color is actually simple with this custom CSS script.


  1. Add the custom CSS to head section of custom code or your global embed
  2. Set No Bullets to remove default bullets in the list settings
  3. Add a class and and set padding-left to list
  4. Add a class to all items and set relative position

Javascript snippet

CSS snippet

<!-- Add to head tag -->
.ul--circle li::before {  
  content: " ";  
  width: 8px; /* Width of the bullet */  
  height: 8px; /* Height of the bullet */  
  background: #12b0eb; /* Set color for the bullet */  
  border-radius: 50%; /* Circle bullet */  
  position: absolute; /* Positioning the bulet as absolute. It wil relative to li item */  
  left: 0; /* Stick the bullet to the left side */  
  top: 8px; /* Align the bullet with the first line of li text. The value will depends on font-size and line-height */

HTML snippet

Custom Diamond List Bullet Shape

Custom Diamond List Bullet Shape


Instead of the default circle for your Webflow list items this CSS snippet allows you to add a diamond as an alternative design.

Custom Triangle List Bullet Shape

Custom Triangle List Bullet Shape


Customize the shape of Webflow's native list item for your Webflow site with this custom CSS solution. Want a different shape than Webflow's native circle list item shape? With this method you can easily update the list item shape.

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