40 Aesthetic Webflow Javascript, HTML & CSS Code Snippets to supercharge your sites.
Instead of the default circle for your Webflow list items this CSS snippet allows you to add a diamond as an alternative design.
Prevent an input form zoom scaling on mobile on your Webflow site. This allows for a better user experience based on your sites design rather than mobile OS zoom default properties.
Add international flags to a phone number for input in Webflow. Adding this allows for a unique way of adding international flags to a phone form field in your Webflow site.
Do you want consistency with your Webflow designs? Truncate multi-line texts with ellipses based on 2 or 3 lines of your choosing via CSS. This helps keep your designs uniformed without needing to set max height limitations by truncating text that goes beyond a certain length.
Design your own dropdowns and multi-select inputs in Webflow using Select2. With this Javascript code you'll be able to customize the look and design of the multi-select from the native browser select.
Easily change the native Webflow slider element navigation/dot colors with this CSS snippet. This method allows you to easily select the colors of Webflow's native slider dots via a CSS code snippet.
Make your default form inputs draggable and resizable on your Webflow sites with this CSS snippet. This CSS snippet allows for you to make your default form field inputs resizable by your users/visitors on your Webflow sites.
Easily split text into lines based on lines, words, characters on your Webflow site. A great way to add interactions based on your own specifications to text on your Webflow site.
Automatically truncate text that goes beyond a line on your Webflow site with this simple CSS script. This helps create uniformed design on your site by truncating text with ellipsis if they go beyond a single line.
Split up your Webflow CMS collections into multiple sections with this Javascript code snippet. This allows you to easily break up a collection lists into multiple sections, a great way of adding your own elements in between a Webflow CMS collection list.
Add a file upload preview option to Webflow's native File upload input field. This adds a preview window to the file upload form in Webflow's native solution.
Add a unique hyperlink highlight hover effect to your Webflow site with this custom CSS solution. This simple CSS script allows you to add a unique highlight hover effect without using any custom Webflow interactions.
This is used to normalize and reset any CSS used in the client-first system to correct any strange Webflow native issues as well as offer some additional functionality like truncating via CSS. This should be added to your global styles embed on your site.
Create a custom scrollbar for your Webflow site with this CSS code snippet. Change the boring, static browser scrollbar design of your Webflow site to a unique design.
When hovering over a text link the links underline animates to provide a unique effect for your Webflow site. This CSS code snippet can be customized based on your specifications.
Safari will often not respect border radiuses on images and videos. With this CSS code snippet you can force Safari to respect border radius on images and videos on your Webflow site.
Add a halftone overlay to your Webflow site via this CSS code.
A fun unique way of adding a random sticker to your Webflow site on click.
This code snippet allows you to automatically remove https:// from all link URLs on absolute URL links (links without anchor text) on your Webflow site. This is a great way to cleanup links or pages of links on your Webflow site.
Create a custom underline offset for your Webflow site using custom CSS. This is an easy way to add a unique style underline to your Webflow site designs, we recommend adding this to your global stylesheet.
Add Particles.js to your Webflow site with this simple CSS and JS code snippet.
Emphasize your navbar by adding a shadow on page scroll for your Webflow site. This effect you can use via interactions although an easier way is to add a simple Javascript snippet instead. The code makes it so that if a user hasn't scrolled then no shadow will be visible. When a user scrolls your shadow effect will then be added.
Add a blurry-background effect to your Webflow site divs with this custom CSS. This effect adds an Apple style blurry background effect via a simple CSS code snippet to any div of your choosing.
Remove Safari & Chrome scrollbars from your Webflow site via this CSS code snippet.
Change the default native Webflow lightbox background color with this custom CSS code snippet.
Add a Vimeo video as a background video on your Webflow site using this custom CSS code. If you've wanted to add a Vimeo video as a background video you'll see that it's not possible natively in Webflow. This CSS allows you to add a Vimeo background video to your Webflow site.
When you over over a child class the other children's opacity is set to 10% using CSS. An easy way to utilize CSS vs Interactions to control children elements.
Automatically superscript all ® Trademark Characters on your Webflow site. Adding this Javascript and CSS allows your Webflow site to automatically superscript all ® trademark symbols on your Webflow site.
Add an outline (stroke) effect to text elements on your Webflow site with this CSS code snippet.
This simple CSS code snippet allows you to fade items that are not currently hovered on your Webflow site. This is perfect for navbars or other elements that you want to emphasize the hover state on without building unique hover states or using interactions.
Customize the color of the highlight when a user selects text on your Webflow site with this simple CSS script.
Customize the shape of Webflow's native list item for your Webflow site with this custom CSS solution. Want a different shape than Webflow's native circle list item shape? With this method you can easily update the list item shape.
Stagger the loading of your sites navigation with this Anime.js code snippet.
Easily add a rich text editor form field in Weblow with this Javascript code. Webflow doesn't provide a native rich text editor, however with a bit of Javascript you can add a rich text editor form to your Webflow site.
Combine the last two words of your Webflow paragraph with a nonbreaking space via this paragraph runt fix. Add this Javascript code to your Webflow site to fix the paragraph runt issues with Webflow's native paragraph element.
Calculate the width of a div using percentages from two numbers in a collection CMS list in Webflow.
Add dynamic interactive Webflow form elements with this Anime.js code snippet.
Create a backdrop blur on your Webflow site using only CSS. This allows you to utilize CSS to add a backdrop blur to your Webflow site rather than using Webflow's native blur styling.
Prevent iOS and other mobile devices from applying the default minimum font size to your Webflow site with this CSS script.
Set equal heights to items based on the tallest item in Webflow. This is perfect for tabs, grids and similar items that may have varying heights. This keeps all of the items uniformed in design by setting the heights to the tallest item.