Here's a way to create an age gated pop up modal in Webflow. Using the power of cookies you can now gate your content/site with a age date requirement. The code in the settings takes the submission of the month, day and year of the persons birthday and calculates their age against todays date. If they validate that they are over 18, then a cookie will be added to their browser and the pop up modal will be hidden from them until they clear their cookies. If they are not over 18 then they are redirected from your site.
Here's a way to add or remove additional form fields in Webflow. This is a great way to have added functionality to native Webflow forms.
A multi-column, fully fluid responsive card slider for Webflow. The starting cards are left aligned while the final card is right aligned. The slider mask is set to percentage based width varying on the number of cards in the slider. This way you can control the number of cards shown depending on the size of the screen.
A fun way to have an animated, cursor following dog animation on Webflow. This is driven fully by div elements and a bit of CSS and JS to make the magic happen.
The Mast CSS framework is one of our favorite Webflow frameworks. It's based on a developer first mentality and features essential classes and strategies to help you build efficient Webflow sites. It's built with the less is more mentality, less classes, less elements to maintain which means faster sites and less development time. This framework allows you to quickly build anything from scratch by utilizing an essential set of HTML and CSS building blocks. Get up and running quickly with the Styleguide that features typography, heading classes, body text classes for paragraph, eyebrow text elements, ordered lists, unordered lists, color swatches, text colors, components such as buttons (primary, secondary, text links, form fields with radios and checkboxes, cards, utility classes, padding, alignment, overflow, size, helpers, layout, grids, columns and other helpful items.
Connect Webflow's native CMS to an image plotter via this cloneable. With this cloneable you can add an image plotter to highlight features, locations, items, product features and much more. The multi-reference highlight items to each main gallery image item using a simple top and left coordinate value to set the specific location of the dots on the image. Each highlight dot also leverages conditional visibility to adjust the position of the tooltip image polotter depending on the location of the dot and whether or not the values were set in CMS.
Here's a way to utilize a tab change interaction for your Webflow sites. Upon clicking the tab the elements animate and the tab changes. Note that any interactions happening within the tab page much start after any interactions within the tab link are finished. Otherwise the tab component will cut off the animation resulting in nothing happening within the tab pane itself.
A great example of a CMS slider with custom navigation arrows that are designed within Webflow. It also features a dropdown to filter the slides. This uses the slick slider JS library.
Add international flags to a phone number for input in Webflow. Adding this allows for a unique way of adding international flags to a phone form field in your Webflow site.
Trigger a click on another element when one element is clicked in Webflow. This is perfect for allowing one element to control a click of another element.
Create a custom scrollbar for your Webflow site with this CSS code snippet. Change the boring, static browser scrollbar design of your Webflow site to a unique design.
Customize the color of the highlight when a user selects text on your Webflow site with this simple CSS script.
Easily add commas to large numbers in Webflow via a simple Javascript code snippet. This is perfect for unformatted CMS items, or other numbers utilized on a Webflow site.
Quite manually updating your Webflow sites copyright year with this Javascript code snippet. This Javascript code snippet will automatically display the current year for copyright years in footers and other elements in which you want to show the current year.
This allows you to randomize the text on a button click in Webflow. A fun way of displaying a variety of different texts when a user clicks on a button on your Webflow page.
Set hidden form input values from URL parameters on your Webflow site. This Javascript code allows you to utilize Webflow's native form input and add hidden values based on URL parameters. This is great for paid advertising campaigns, internal link tracking and a variety of other options.
Create a responsive clip path for images using SVG shapes in Webflow.This allows you to create unique shaped images using SVG paths rather than DIVs or similar methods.
Add highlighting to your Webflow site search queries using this quick and easy Javascript code snippet. When a user uses a search the query is then highlighted on the page to help show the most relevant results.
Add a Vimeo video as a background video on your Webflow site using this custom CSS code. If you've wanted to add a Vimeo video as a background video you'll see that it's not possible natively in Webflow. This CSS allows you to add a Vimeo background video to your Webflow site.
Do you want consistency with your Webflow designs? Truncate multi-line texts with ellipses based on 2 or 3 lines of your choosing via CSS. This helps keep your designs uniformed without needing to set max height limitations by truncating text that goes beyond a certain length.
Combine the last two words of your Webflow paragraph with a nonbreaking space via this paragraph runt fix. Add this Javascript code to your Webflow site to fix the paragraph runt issues with Webflow's native paragraph element.
Optimize your Twitter Open Graph meta information for your Webflow site with this code snippet. This allows you to optimize the shared information and what's displayed on Twitter when someone shares your site.
This allows you to create a view all/show less on your Webflow's pagination collection list via a simple Javascript code snippet. Toggles the height of each item multiplied by the number of items you want to show.
Automatically open Webflow's native lightbox on page load via this Javascript code snippet. Adding a parameter to your website URL allows for the lightbox to automatically be shown on page load.
Create a quick and easy printable div section for your Webflow site via this JS code snippet. This snippet allows you to designate which div will be printed when a user clicks on the print page button.
Add a delay when a user clicks on a link on your Webflow site. This functionality adds a nice delay to your Webflow site before the users hit the next page.
This allows you to hide a CMS collection in the event it's empty via a small Javascript snippet.
When scrolling down the page numbers count up as they enter browser view via this Javascript snippet on your Webflow site. An easy way to add number count up to your Webflow site.
Automatically refresh your Webflow site's page after a form submit with this Javascript snippet. A great way of indicating that a form has been submitted to a user or refreshing the page for another submission.
Add keyboard accessibility functionality to your Webflow site with this custom Javascript code. This allows users to navigate between slides using their keyboards offering better accessibility to your Webflow sites.
Add a slick slider for your Webflow CMS items via this custom Javascript code.
A simple way to dynamically update the browsers page title on tab change in Webflow. A great way to add a dynamic element and user friendly method of updating page title on native Webflow tab change.
If the users browser is Internet Explorer show or hide elements on your Webflow site with this Javascript snippet. This allows you to display warning messages, remove elements that aren't IE friendly and other similar use cases.
Add native swiping gestures to Webflow tabs to allow for swiping between tabs with this Javascript code. Webflow doesn't natively support swiping gestures, however it's easy to add swiping gestures to switch between tabs via this JS code.
Add accessibility functionality to your Webflow modals with this Javascript code. When a user presses escape the modal window will automatically close.
Add a halftone overlay to your Webflow site via this CSS code.
A technique to stop by scrolling on click in Webflow via a small Javascript snippet. This is perfect for modal popups, navigation dropdowns and other overlays that should prevent the body from scrolling on opening.
A method to pass the referring domain/URL as a hidden field in a form in Webflow. This is perfect to know who referred the person submitted the form, or a way to display the referring domain on the page on your Webflow site.
Design your own dropdowns and multi-select inputs in Webflow using Select2. With this Javascript code you'll be able to customize the look and design of the multi-select from the native browser select.
When hovering over a text link the links underline animates to provide a unique effect for your Webflow site. This CSS code snippet can be customized based on your specifications.
Prevent an input form zoom scaling on mobile on your Webflow site. This allows for a better user experience based on your sites design rather than mobile OS zoom default properties.
Utilize buttons to move between cards within an overflow: scroll wrapper to a specified card via each button in Webflow. This uses a simple JS code to allow seamless transitions between various cards of your choosing using an overflowed wrapper.
Add a next/previous button to Webflow tabs via this Javascript. This allows users to easily navigate between tabs with previous next buttons rather than only the tab links.
Add a birthday/age gate modal confirmation to your Webflow site via this simple Javascript code snippet.
An easy way to utilize CSS for Logo marquees and other sections in your Webflow site. An easier way to create an infinite looping marquee on your Webflow site than creating them manually with Webflow interactions.
Add a click to copy to clipboard to your Webflow site using a Javascript snippet. This copy to clipboard functionality allows you to designate the class and text that you'll allow your users to copy.
Add Facebook's open graph meta information to your site to optimize the information when something is shared on Facebook from your site. Optimize this even more by hooking up Webflow CMS to Facebook's open graph meta.
Change the default native Webflow lightbox background color with this custom CSS code snippet.
Link to specific tabs using URL parameters by setting tab URLs in Webflow. This script allows you to set the tab name in the elements panel for the tabs that you want the URL to include for each tab. The URL will use the # parameter, for example something like where tabName is the element ID you set on the tab. This allows you to link to specific tabs from other pages and have more control over the tab experience.
Add a file upload preview option to Webflow's native File upload input field. This adds a preview window to the file upload form in Webflow's native solution.
Add or remove form input fields with buttons on your Webflow site. This allows your users to add or remove form fields based on buttons on your Webflow site. A great way of adding dynamic form elements to your Webflow site.
Set equal heights to items based on the tallest item in Webflow. This is perfect for tabs, grids and similar items that may have varying heights. This keeps all of the items uniformed in design by setting the heights to the tallest item.
Dynamically hide/show elements based on the <select> option in Webflow. A great way of showing various elements based on the dropdown selection. This could be used for changes views, changing images and much more.
Remove an element from loading on mobile or low resolution devices in Webflow. This Javascript code makes it easier to remove elements from your mobile and smaller screen resolutions.
The ability to hide and show elements on your Webflow site based on if a user has reduced motion activated in their operating system. Adding this Javascript code helps with accessibility by hiding and showing elements based on the users predefined OS accessibility settings.
This code snippet allows you to automatically remove https:// from all link URLs on absolute URL links (links without anchor text) on your Webflow site. This is a great way to cleanup links or pages of links on your Webflow site.
This custom Javascript code allows you to show or hide items based on breakpoints and the number of items in Webflow. In this example nav buttons are hidden in a custom card slider if the number of cards is less than or equal to the number of items current and is adjusted by breakpoints of 1024, 768
This helps prevent Google from indexing pages of your choosing on your Webflow site.
Automatically pause or reset a Vimeo video on modal close in Webflow via this helpful Javascript code. This prevents Vimeo videos to continue to play if they happen to be in a modal on your Webflow site.
When you over over a child class the other children's opacity is set to 10% using CSS. An easy way to utilize CSS vs Interactions to control children elements.
Add a fun mouse animation to your Webflow site via this JS code snippet. The worm will follow the mouse on the canvas of your Webflow site as a user navigates your site.
Customize Webflow CMS items by adding a class to your choosing via this Javascript code snippet. If you ever wanted to add a class to a specific item you can now do so via this simple JS snippet.
Add arrow keys keyboard functionality to Webflow's native slider with this simple Javascript code. This added functionality allows users to use their keyboards to navigation through slides in a Webflow slider.
If a browser is recognized as IE this will add a class as you need on Webflow. This is a helpful way of hiding or showing elements, fixing IE issues and other features for IE based browsers.
Create a custom underline offset for your Webflow site using custom CSS. This is an easy way to add a unique style underline to your Webflow site designs, we recommend adding this to your global stylesheet.
Click on an object based on an element ID in Webflow. This is great to simulate a click, for example click on next slide button, link or object via a simple Javascript code.
Add accessibility features to your Webflow site by allowing to skip links with the keyboard only. Skip links allows keyboard navigation or screen readers to jump past the site navigation quickly. This allows for better accessibility for your Webflow sites.
A simple way of bulk deleting 301 redirects from within Webflow's Hosting settings. This makes updating, cleaning up, removing 301's redirect a breeze rather than a labor intensive process.
Webflow's random sort feature doesn't always work. This method allows for truly random sorting of Webflow CMS items on page load.
This allows you to utilize users OS preferences for reduced motion on anchors in Webflow. Adding this Javascript code snippet to your page settings helps the accessibility of your Webflow site based on your users preferences.
Here's a way to create autoplaying tabs in Webflow using JS. Autoplaying tabs allow for tabs to automatically rotate between tabs based on a time of your choosing. Keep in mind that this method uses the click method and could cause problems if you are using forms or other interactions that rely on mouse click functionality.
Add a back to previous page button to your Webflow site with this simple Javascript code snippet. When a user clicks on the button they'll be returned to the previous page they were visiting.
Load another pages content on your Webflow site via a simple jQuery script. This allows you to target an element on your page and then put the URL on the page that you want to load without using iFrames.
Hide an element on your Webflow site after click with a cookie via this Javascript snippet. This is perfect for welcome modals, cookie notifications, notification alerts and other items that only need to be displayed a single time.
Utilize CSS to target attributes/elements in Webflow. Here's a quick CSS snippet that allows you to target elements as needed.
Add count up numbers on page scroll to your Webflow site via this Javascript code. This method allows you to add a count up numbers via a page scroll to your Webflow site. As the user scrolls down numbers start to count up as they enter the viewport.
Create a backdrop blur on your Webflow site using only CSS. This allows you to utilize CSS to add a backdrop blur to your Webflow site rather than using Webflow's native blur styling.
This allows you to show or hide items based on date or time in Webflow. This is great for event based information, you can display various elements based on if its prior to a time or after a specified time on your Webflow site.
Add Google review stars to your Webflow site via this small Javascript script and CSS. This allows your Webflow site to display star ratings in Google's search results.
Automatically truncate text that goes beyond a line on your Webflow site with this simple CSS script. This helps create uniformed design on your site by truncating text with ellipsis if they go beyond a single line.
Add a Calendar button for via your Webflow CMS via this custom Javascript and CSS. This enables your users to easily add events to their calendars based on dates/information in your Webflow CMS.
Show or hide divs or elements based on the parameter within a URL in Webflow. This Javascript code allows you to make your Webflow site even more dynamic by allowing you to customize elements on the page based on the URL parameter provided.
Add Google article schema to your Webflow site with this custom script. This allows you to let Google know that there's a relevant article and the necessary information to markup via a schema.
This is a way to determine when the Attributes solutions have finished executing and then run your own javascript that needs executing after.
An easy way to round numbers, decimals, or integers based on your requirements in Webflow via a Javascript snippet. You can round numbers to the nearest whole integer or nearest thousand
Easily add a rich text editor form field in Weblow with this Javascript code. Webflow doesn't provide a native rich text editor, however with a bit of Javascript you can add a rich text editor form to your Webflow site.
This is used to normalize and reset any CSS used in the client-first system to correct any strange Webflow native issues as well as offer some additional functionality like truncating via CSS. This should be added to your global styles embed on your site.
Display the reading time associated with a blog or article on your Webflow site with this Javascript code. With this code you'll be able to easily add a reading time to all of your blogs or articles on your Webflow site.
Automatically superscript all ® Trademark Characters on your Webflow site. Adding this Javascript and CSS allows your Webflow site to automatically superscript all ® trademark symbols on your Webflow site.
Dynamically add today's date to a div on your Webflow site. A perfect way to easily display the current date on your site without any headaches.
Senior Brand Designer, Web @webflow