Webflow sync, pageviews & more.

Shades Digital

Shades digital is a free Webflow cloneable template perfect for technology startups, SaaS companies and app landing pages. This template features a large hero section and opt in form, followed by feature benefits. As you scroll down the page you'll see a larger feature area with several different styled layouts. This template also features a testimonial area and client logo bar followed by a simple pricing table with two pricing options. Finally theres a menu and footer section.



Shades is a bright and vibrant Webflow template perfect for SaaS, Startups and technology focused sites. This template features a large and bright hero section with a headline, and call to action button. As you scroll down the page you'll notice a client logo bar followed by a features section. The features are large and provide product imagery and strong headlines. There's also a 4 feature area that's shown in a vibrant blue area that draws the users focus to it. The template features a pricing table with a monthly and yearly pricing toggle followed by a colorful and bold call to action.



Architech is a free Webflow cloneable template perfect for architecture firms, real estate companies and interior design services. This template features a bold hero section with a large headline and call to action. As you scroll down you'll notice an image slider with images of real estate projects. Further down there are large feature areas with icons and imagery. This template also includes a testimonial slider and call to action followed by a client logo bar.


Shades SaaS

Shades SaaS is a Webflow cloneable template perfect for SaaS and technology based startups. This template features great typography with a bold headline and call to action. As you scroll down you're presented with three large feature cards followed by a larger feature section. Just beyond the feature section is a pricing table with package information and a primary package emphasis. This template features an email opt in, menu and footer.


Shade Software

Shade software is a free Webflow template perfect for software and technology based startups. This template features a large hero section with a headline and product image. As you scroll further down the page there are three service features areas with a larger, staggered featured area. Scrolling down there's a video call to action section and a pricing table with a monthly and yearly toggle, clients logo bar and testimonial cards and finally a call to action and footer.


Shade App

Shade app is a free Webflow cloneable template perfect for app landing pages and technology based startups. This template features a large hero section with download call to action buttons perfect for app downloads. Scrolling down there's a step process area, larger feature section with various designs and a product demonstration slider with a unique iphone mockup and design. This template also has a testimonials section, a larger call to action and a menu/footer.

A colorful pricing plan design table for your Webflow site. Easily copy and paste this design to your Webflow site and add a pricing page in no time.

Here's a unique way of showing images, app screenshots or more in an iPhone mobile slider. The images continuously rotate through and infinite loop.

Here's a way to have an image slider driven by Webflow's native CMS. In this example they are using slick slider tied to Webflow CMS.

A testimonial slider animation for your Webflow site. Be sure to clone this so that the transition interactions are created for you without the hassle of recreating them.

Here's a way to add some animation to your text elements within Webflow. The outer line of the text is animated and creates a fun effect for your text.

Here's a way to add a image splitting interaction on hover in Webflow. Using a grid and clip path to make this interaction happen. With this example when someone hovers on an image, the image opens in half and a text description is shown.

A beautifully designed product card for your Webflow site. An easy to implement cloneable for your Webflow site to add product cards.

A text fill on hover effect for Webflow. When you hover over text on your Webflow site it fills the text with an animation effect.

Here's a way to create a slick slider type of slider within Webflow.

Here's a way to add smooth scrolling to your Webflow site using tween max. There are several ways to achieve smooth scrolling in Webflow, and this is another way of achieving that effect.

Here's a way to create a zoom in on click technique in Webflow. If you need to magnify an image on your Webflow site this cloneable is perfect for you.

Here's a way to add a dropped in text underline on hover in Webflow. When you hover over the multiple lines of text an underline interaction is triggered and the underline appears over the text.

Here's a way to add social sharing buttons to the left sidebar of your Webflow site. This social sharing block floats above your site so it's always visible to the users. This is done via a floating-share jquery plugin.

This is an interaction that displays an image on hover via a unique interaction in Webflow. Add this animated hover interaction to your Webflow site to add a dynamic interaction for your images.

Here's a way to add a show/hide password input field in Webflow. Clicking on the eye icon displays the password and it's accomplished via some custom jquery code to change the input type.

Add drag and drop list functionality to your Webflow site with this javascript library. This uses Sortable.js to create sortable lists within Webflow. Perfect for to-dos, sorting, and other functionality that may be needed for your Webflow site.

Pop up contact form modal interaction for Webflow. A clean modal window appears with a contact form when clicking on the contact button. This contact modal form features all the native Webflow interactions required for a modal window in a fully responsive design.

This technique allows you to redirect a user to a URL of your choosing after submitting a form on Webflow.

Here's a text stroke interaction based on the mouse movement for Webflow. Upon moving the mouse around the text stroke follows the cursor around the Webflow site.

Make your Webflow site content dynamic and fully interactive with these draggable content cards. A fun way of creating a dynamic layout that users can move, modify and play with on your Webflow site.

An example of a form label input animation for your Webflow site. When you click on the input the label waves above the input via each individual input when it's clicked on.

Here's a demonstration of using Dribbles API to display shots from yours, or another Dribble account on your Webflow site.

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I have
templates featured on Flowradar.
I'm active in the Webflow community and have created
cloneables that have been included above.
My cloneables are featured in the following categories
and I'm always looking forward to build more.