Here's a way to create a fixed header text section within Webflow in which the header text stays static as the page is scrolled. A little tweak with the interaction and by moving the header 100VH up and down while scrolling over an element.
A way of utilizing sticky cards that stack on scroll in Webflow. Using position sticky and a scrolling into view interaction allows for this effect without any custom code.
A custom slider that changes the size and focus of the slide after it changes to the next slide. Perfect for emphasis on the main slide while maintaining a transition effect for the other non-primary slides in Webflow.
A side navigation based on Integromats dashboard design utilizing expand on mouse hover states with further hover over interactions and animations.
A before/after comparison component built with native Webflow interactions. Perfect for an image optimization service or demoing the difference between two different products/services. Fixed width before/after images, position absolute, and an interaction to resize the containers on hover.
An accordion with Native tabs absolute sidebar navigation for Webflow. This combines the power of the accordion and native Webflow tabs element with some minor custom code for the numbering of each category. Due to this the method will not work for Webflow CMS. Perfect for an online course, learning module or similar style site.
Here's a way to utilize Lottie files with a scroll into view interaction and position sticky. A great way to add dynamic animations to your site with animations on scroll.
A demonstration of how to create a magnify on hover image effect on Webflow. This is built entirely with interactions and requires no custom code. Please note that this method only works on desktop and will not provide the zoom effect on mobile.
A pop up modal that is triggered by a toggle on the CMS collection item while also keeping the default link to the collection item on the page. The pop up modal will disable body scroll and enable when closed.
A demonstration of a multi step form with conditional logic using the Advanced Form builder by Alex Iglesias.
A sticky horizontal scrolling timeline container for your Webflow site. This is a combination of sticky position, overflow-x hidden and a scrolling in view interaction. This is perfect for timelines, milestones, process steps, about, history and much more.
Here's a way of adding a flipping card animation to cards on your site. This component can be used for a number of scenarios and allows for additional information to be displayed on your cards without taking up important site real estate.
Here's a way to add a background image change on link hover to Webflow. Using a simple trick to change the background image on mouse hover dynamic items list. This is all done with native Webflow capabilities without any scripts.
A frequently asked questions FAQ expanding accordion interaction for Webflow. The interaction expands and then collapses the accordion based on each click.
Here's a technique to fade text in and out on page scroll with various sections and different texts in Webflow.
Here's a way to add zoom in images on click via a native Webflow interaction. Custom code is involved to disable/enable the body scroll only. Be sure to copy the custom code for the body scroll toggle on modal pop up. This is perfect for showcasing a product where zoom-in is required to view the close up details of that product. The interaction works only for desktop and on mobile it will only be normal image without the zoom in effect.
Four different magnetic mouse hover button designs. These buttons are great for a CTA button due to the stickiness of the button interaction as it tends to grab your attention and keeps the user focused on the CTA. By using the mouse hover over element interaction to create this animation which makes the cursor act like a magnet to attract the button.
A custom slider transition that zooms into the next slide for Webflow. A great way to customize the boring slider transition and adding a unique flair to your sliders.
Here's a way to achieve a dual slider effect in Webflow. When clicking on the next or previous two different sliders will be triggered via the single onlick trigger via a custom button. This clicks on two hidden slider links simultaneously allowing you to maximize the slider transitions and effects.
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