Webflow sync, pageviews & more.

Church Event

A retro fun free Webflow template perfect for a church or events style site. This template features a bold hero section with a scrolling infinite image marquee. As you scroll down you'll see the navigation buttons that feature a fun playful design with a gradient and hover interaction. Further down the page you see the different activities based on the areas for the event following the fun retro style design associated with the site. The template features event activities, about the event, gallery and more.

A fun, cartoon styled 3D animated button that bounces on hover/click. A fun effect for your Webflow site and a way to liven up a typical button.

Here's a fun, mouse hover effect that creates a shimmer/halo on the 3D card when the cursor hovers on it in Webflow.

A fun demonstration of how to use jQuery to create a draggable canvas or game. This utilizes custom code within the page settings and will not work on mobile.

Interactive and inline 3D icons built with Spline and Three.js. A perfect way of creating interactive inline customized icons built with Spline and powered by Three.js

Here's a technique to add an infinite spinning record image to your Webflow site. Perfect for a music site, DJ, or media style site. This method could also be used for a variety of other interpretations.

A unique button animation that displays a ripple effect on click.

Add a hover over highlight animation to your accordions in Webflow. This adds another layer of dynamic effects to your accordions when hovering. No custom code needed and all done via interactions in Webflow.

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JP Dionisio

Design Better, Faster, Together. @webflow wizard ✨ 🇵🇭

I have
templates featured on Flowradar.
I'm active in the Webflow community and have created
cloneables that have been included above.
My cloneables are featured in the following categories
and I'm always looking forward to build more.