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3D Tablet Scroll Animation

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The 3D Tablet Scroll Animation is an innovative and immersive way to enhance the user experience on your Webflow site. As users scroll down the page, this animation rotates a tablet towards the viewer, creating a sense of depth and perspective. This cloneable, which was created by Jonas Arleth, is categorized under 3D Transform, Scroll, Interactions, and Animation, and can be used for both static images or animated videos. The 3D Tablet Scroll Animation is a great way to add a dynamic and interactive element to your site, and is sure to captivate and engage your audience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to bring your site to life with the 3D Tablet Scroll Animation.

Several different text reveal on scroll animations for Webflow. These techniques use a paid GSAP plugin called SplitText was used to achieve this effect. You can find the plugin here: https://greensock.com/club/ There are three different animations demonstrated here, line animation in which each line is animated as the user scrolls into the viewport, word animation in which each word is animated on scroll, and letter animation in which each letter individually animates.

A fun way of adding a water mouse hover ripple effect to your Webflow site. Simply add a tiny code and the javascript library and you're all set.

Add a liquid metal background animation to your Webflow site via WebGL. Please note that this example relies heavily on scripts and custom code so you'll need to add the custom code found within the page settings.

A method to highlight text on page scroll in Webflow. A unique a fun interaction in which the text on the page begins to highlight as you scroll down the page. Each letter even partially highlights depending on where you've scrolled on the page. This effect uses GSAP and Scrolltrigger.js to create the effect. You'll need to add the custom code found on page settings for this to work properly.

A fully cloneable animated blurry gradient background that can be used on your hero section, or other sections of your site. Helps add a layer of dynamic elements to your Webflow site. This is a 100% native solution with Webflow interactions and utilizes colored div blocks with CSS scaling.

A way of utilizing sticky cards that stack on scroll in Webflow. Using position sticky and a scrolling into view interaction allows for this effect without any custom code.

An animated timeline scrolling effect perfect for about pages, historical pages and many others. As the user scrolls down the page a fun native interaction is applied that allows users to visit historical timelines with a unique Webflow interaction. The current date and item that is in view increases brightness while others out of view are faded out. The user can scroll down the page and have historical information provided in a unique and interactive fashion. This interaction uses while scrolling in view and while page is scrolling page trigger interactions.

A fun, interactive bubble blog for your Webflow site driven by Three.js. This interactive bubble blob follows the mouse around the page and moves and interacts based on it's location. A fun way of adding a dynamic and interactive background animation to your Webflow site.

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A fun example of how to utilize native div shapes to create ultra gradients in Webflow. In this example the author creates unique gradients via Webflow by creating colored blobs and utilizing a number of different effects to create a gradient style background for your Webflow site. This utilizes a combination of border radius, 2d & 3d transforms and other effects to allow you to create gradients without 3rd party images or CSS gradient classes. Add in native Webflow interactions and you can build Stripe like animated gradients in no time.

A text gradient scroll effect that was similar to the one used on Apple's website. This text scroll effect showcases a block of text, which has a gradient effect applied to it. As the user scrolls down the bottom portion of the text is visible and as the user scrolls down further the entire text is visible, scrolling down further on the page the text then fades out. This effect does not require any HTML embed or custom code and utilizes Webflow's native interactions. This interaction utilizes the element trigger and while scrolling into view to create the effect. This interaction works by changing the opacity and moving an object over the text.

Here's a way to add magnetic images to links on Webflow. The images appear as you hover over the links and stick to the mouse and overlay the text over the image. This method relies strictly on Webflow interactions and doesn't require any custom code or HTML embeds. The interactions use a combination of hide/show, scale, opacity text color and border color to work properly.

A great way to achieve a sticky Webflow effect for features, about sections or really anything in which the image becomes sticky in the viewport while the text still scrolls. As you scroll down the images are sticky while the text is scrollable, between each section there's an image transition effect. This effect uses no custom code and is all accomplished via Webflow's while scrolling into view interaction with the opacity and scale options.

Here's a unique parallax blur scrolling animation that's perfect for portfolio sections in Webflow. This parallax blur scrolling animation effect adds the image that's being scrolled to the background with a blur filter effect. All of this is achieved via native Webflow interactions.

Here's a way of adding custom popup modals for video and content to your Webflow site. These custom content modals utilize custom code to disable scrolling when the pop up modal window is open. This helps prevent user confusion and scrolling of the site when these modal windows are open. For the video popup additional jQuery code is utilized to stop the video from running in the background when the window has been closed.

A unique vertical navbar with a page scroll progress bar for Webflow. This vertical navbar features a progress bar that indicates how far down the page the user is and was created entirely with Webflow interactions. Note there is some CSS however this controls hiding the browsers default scroll bar. Otherwise this was built and created entirely with Webflow interactions. Taking advantage of While page is scrolling a div is moved down the page based on the percentage of the page that the user has scrolled down. This is perfect for storytelling or blog posts or pages with a large amount of information. A wonderful vertical menu solution for Webflow.

Want to add an audio player in your Webflow site? Here's a way of adding a Webflow CMS powered HTML audio player to your Webflow sites. This allows you to add standard browser designs, custom styles and designs via jQuery and much more to your Webflow projects. While Webflow doesn't allow you to host MP3 files natively there are other free external hosting options, such as Dropbox, that will allow it.

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