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Retro 3D Background Grid

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The Retro 3D Background Grid is a unique and visually appealing way to add a touch of retro styling to your Webflow site. This cloneable features a 3D grid animation with overlay scan-lines that can be added to your background or used throughout your site. The animation is created using 3D transforms and is sure to add a fun and nostalgiciac touch to your website. Using this cloneable is a simple way to add a little bit of flair to your site, and the responsive design ensures that it will look great on any device. Be sure to use the keyword Retro 3D Background Grid at least two times in your description to highlight the key features of this cloneable.

Several different text reveal on scroll animations for Webflow. These techniques use a paid GSAP plugin called SplitText was used to achieve this effect. You can find the plugin here: https://greensock.com/club/ There are three different animations demonstrated here, line animation in which each line is animated as the user scrolls into the viewport, word animation in which each word is animated on scroll, and letter animation in which each letter individually animates.

Add a liquid metal background animation to your Webflow site via WebGL. Please note that this example relies heavily on scripts and custom code so you'll need to add the custom code found within the page settings.

A fun way of adding a water mouse hover ripple effect to your Webflow site. Simply add a tiny code and the javascript library and you're all set.

A fully cloneable animated blurry gradient background that can be used on your hero section, or other sections of your site. Helps add a layer of dynamic elements to your Webflow site. This is a 100% native solution with Webflow interactions and utilizes colored div blocks with CSS scaling.

A fun, interactive bubble blog for your Webflow site driven by Three.js. This interactive bubble blob follows the mouse around the page and moves and interacts based on it's location. A fun way of adding a dynamic and interactive background animation to your Webflow site.

A huge selection of premade Webflow animations, including animated buttons, click buttons, circular hover buttons, scroll down animations, nav link animations, tab animations, search bars, social media buttons, text animations, contact cards, blog cards, product cards and more.

An infinite scrolling vertical image interaction for Webflow. A great way of achieving a vertical scrolling looping image on your Webflow site. This technique uses custom CSS and JS so be sure to check the custom code within the Page Settings.

An exploding text particles animation using Three.js in Webflow. A good demonstration of how to add Three.js to your Webflow site. In this cloneable the text begins to morph and explode as you move the cursor over it. Please note that this uses custom code found in the head and closing body tags of the page settings.

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A fun way of changing the gradient background color via mouse in Webflow. Please note this will not work in Firefox. This is a native Webflow interaction and just a single line of CSS code. The CSS controls the pointer events to none while the interactions control the location of the blur and it's surrounding effects.

A fun crystal ball hover styled button for Webflow. This was designed entirely with native Webflow interactions and does not use any type of custom code.

Create a seamless page transition for your pages in Webflow. Using just a small snippet of custom code you can allow the page time to complete an exit transition with an intro transition on the new page. Set your links to preload your pages for even faster performance.

A fully native dark-mode toggle button to convert your Webflow site into dark mode or light mode at the switch of a button. This technique utilizes Webflow's native interactions and the Filter, BG color, text color and border color functionality.

Here's a way of creating a glowing, 3D hover card effect in Webflow. When a user hovers over the card the card creates a 3D effect with a gradient outline, another interaction is added to show a 3D rotating reflection. All of this was created with Webflow interactions and zero custom code.

A fun way of adding a little retro 3D grid animation with overlay scan-lines to your background/site.

Add numbered paginations to your CMS collection lists via this small custom code snippet.

A unique 3D scrolling interaction created for Webflow. As a user scrolls between sections each transition has various 3D effects with the image coming in one way and the text flying in another way. A majority of this was created with Webflow's native interactions while some minor CSS was utilized for the scrolling effects.

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