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How can I make the pagination in Swiper.js work in my Webflow project? I have tried both the progress bar pagination and the bullet style pagination, but neither of them is functioning. Can someone please help me identify where I went wrong?


To make the pagination in Swiper.js work in your Webflow project, you need to ensure that you have followed a few key steps. Here's a detailed guide to help you identify where you might have gone wrong:

1. **Include the required files**: Make sure you have properly included the Swiper library files in your Webflow project. You can do this by either linking to the hosted CDN version or by manually downloading and hosting the files.

2. **Initialize Swiper**: Initialize the Swiper component by adding the necessary JavaScript code in your project. This code should typically be placed inside a script tag or within an external JavaScript file.

let mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
// configuration options

Ensure that you have correctly targeted the `.swiper-container` class to initialize the Swiper component on the appropriate container element.

3. **Add pagination elements**: To enable pagination, you need to add the pagination elements to your Swiper HTML structure. These elements will allow you to control the pagination style and behavior. There are different pagination types available, including progress bar, bullet style, fraction style, and more.

For example, to use the bullet pagination style, add the following HTML structure inside the Swiper container:



4. **Specify pagination options**: Once you have added the pagination elements, you may need to specify additional options to configure the pagination behavior. For example, to use bullet pagination, you can add the `pagination` option:

let mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
// other configuration options
pagination: {
el: '.swiper-pagination',
clickable: true, // enable clicking on bullets to navigate

Make sure you adjust the `el` option value to match your pagination HTML structure.

5. **CSS Styling**: Confirm that you have applied appropriate CSS styles to the pagination elements. Swiper.js provides default styles, but you may need to customize them to match your project's design.

If necessary, use CSS to adjust the position, size, color, and other properties of the pagination elements to ensure they are visible and match your desired style.

By following these steps, you should be able to make the pagination in Swiper.js work in your Webflow project. If you are still experiencing issues, make sure to check the console for any error messages that may provide further clues about the problem. Additionally, ensure that you have included all the necessary CSS and JavaScript files, and double-check your code for errors or typos.

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