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How can I make an embedded video in Webflow loop once it finishes? Can I remove the video controls on hover?


To make an embedded video loop once it finishes playing in Webflow, you can utilize the loop attribute available in HTML5. Here's how you can achieve this:

1. Add an Embed element to your Webflow project where you want the video to appear. You can find the Embed element in the Add panel on the left side of the Webflow Designer.

2. In the Embed element, click on the settings icon (gear icon) to access the Embed settings.

3. Next, you'll need to embed your video using HTML code. If you have a video URL from a video hosting platform like YouTube or Vimeo, you can use the embed code provided by these platforms. For example, if you're using a YouTube video, you can copy the embed code from the YouTube video's share options.

4. Once you have the embed code, paste it into the Embed Code box in Webflow's Embed settings. Make sure you're using the custom code option.

5. To enable the loop functionality, you need to modify the embed code slightly. Locate the `\`\`\`

Modify it to include the loop attribute:



6. Save the changes in the Embed settings, and you'll see the embedded video looping once it finishes playing.

Regarding removing video controls on hover, Webflow doesn't have built-in options for controlling the appearance of embedded video controls. However, you can use custom code and CSS to achieve this effect.

1. First, make sure you have a class assigned to the Embed element containing the video. You can assign a class in the Element settings panel.

2. Then, with the assigned class, you can apply custom CSS to hide the video controls when hovering over the video element. Add the following CSS code to your project:

.embed-video-classname:hover video::-webkit-media-controls-panel,
.embed-video-classname:hover video::-webkit-media-controls-play-button,
.embed-video-classname:hover video::-webkit-media-controls-start-playback-button {
display: none !important;

Make sure to replace `embed-video-classname` with the actual class name you assigned to the Embed element.

3. Go to your project's custom code settings (Project Settings > Custom Code) and add the custom CSS code in the 'Head Code' section.

4. Save the changes and preview your project. You should now see the video controls hidden when hovering over the embedded video.

Remember, using custom code and CSS may require additional adjustments depending on your specific video embed code and styling requirements.

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