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The Top 8 Anime.js Webflow cloneables

Add Anime.js to your Webflow site with these amazing text & image based Anime.js Webflow cloneables.

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Here's a way of adding a text reveal animation on scroll to Webflow powered by Anime.js and Luxy.js. As a user scrolls down the page the text animation is displayed showing one letter fading in at a time. As you scroll further down the page you'll notice the smooth scrolling effect created by Luxy.js. All of this is powered by the custom code found within the page settings of both the header and body section. Be sure to add these to your site in order for this method to work properly.

Four different individual text animations created with Anime.js for Webflow. These animations each create an individual letter loading animation on load. Please note that this only works on the published site. To get this to work give a class to the text that you'd like to animate. For example, animation1. Add a span to the text and give it a class of letter. Copy the code on the settings, before body and make sure that you change the class to the one that you used in the first step.

A fluid, morphing SVG background for your Webflow site using Anime.js. Perfect for the background of your Webflow sections, or entire site.

A unique headline animation for Webflow powered by Anime.js. The headline text sweeps in from the bottom one letter at a time and after displaying the line sweeps out one letter at a time with a fading effect. In order for this effect to occur you'll need to be sure to add the custom code in both the head and closing body tag in Page Settings. This is perfect for a preloader page or temporary scrolling section.

A simple, yet complex image slider with a transition effect. This utilizes Splide.js, Anime.js custom JS for the link delay.

A unique animated button with a grid effect on hover via Anime.js

An interactive blob and SVG morph technique using anime.js in Webflow. This is a great example of utilizing Anime.js and a blotter text effect for your Webflow site. When a user moves the mouse/cursor on the page different interactive effects take place to make the site entirely dynamic.

Build a staggered animation with gird and Anime.js in Webflow.