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How do I add Google Ads Conversion Tracking code to the submit buttons on the API page and Contact Page Submission buttons in Webflow?


To add Google Ads Conversion Tracking code to the submit buttons on the API page and Contact Page Submission buttons in Webflow, you can follow these steps:

1. Obtain your Google Ads Conversion Tracking code: First, you need to have the Google Ads Conversion Tracking code ready. You can access this code by logging into your Google Ads account, navigating to the Tools & Settings menu, and selecting "Conversions" under the Measurement tab. Create a new conversion or locate the existing one you want to track.

2. Identify the submit buttons: Next, you need to identify the submit buttons on the API page and the Contact Page in Webflow. These buttons are typically created using the Webflow button element, but you may have customized them.

3. Access the Page Settings: Go to the API page or the Contact Page in your Webflow project. Select the submit button or any container that holds the button.

4. Add a custom attribute: In the right-hand panel, under the Settings tab, scroll down to the Attributes section. Click on the plus icon next to the section title to add a new attribute.

5. Enter the attribute details: In the new attribute field, you need to add two pieces of information.

a) Attribute name: Enter 'onclick' (without the quotes).

b) Attribute value: Here, you'll need to insert the Google Ads Conversion Tracking code. Make sure to wrap the code within quotes and use script tags, like this:

onclick="console.log('Google Ads Conversion Tracking code');"

Replace `'Google Ads Conversion Tracking code'` with the actual Google Ads code you obtained in step 1.

6. Apply changes and test: Save the changes to see them take effect. Make sure to republish your site. Test the tracking by submitting the form and checking if the conversion is recorded in your Google Ads account.

By adding the custom `onclick` attribute, you're instructing the button to execute the Google Ads Conversion Tracking code when clicked. This allows you to track conversions specifically tied to button clicks on these pages.

Note: Ensure you have obtained the correct conversion code from your Google Ads account and follow their guidelines regarding when and how the tracking code should be fired. Additionally, keep in mind that this method assumes you have access to the HTML code or attributes of the button in Webflow.

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