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Is there a more optimal way to create a portfolio section with a sticky image container that changes as you scroll, similar to the design on Deveb's website, that works across different web browsers, especially Safari, using Webflow or any other JavaScript tools?

Yes, you can create a portfolio section with a sticky image container that changes as you scroll using Webflow and JavaScript, which will work across different web browsers including Safari. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

1. Start by designing your portfolio section in Webflow. Create a div block that will hold your portfolio content, such as project images and descriptions.

2. Inside the div block, add a new div block that will act as your sticky image container. Set its position to "fixed" and adjust its size and position according to your design.

3. Next, you'll need to add some JavaScript code to handle the scrolling effect. In Webflow, go to the "Custom Code" tab in your project settings, and under the "Footer Code" section, paste the following code:



4. In the JavaScript code, we're using the `window.scrollY` property to get the current scroll position. Then, we select the sticky image container using `querySelector`. The `if` statement checks if the scroll position is greater than 0, indicating that the user has started scrolling.

5. Inside the `if` statement, you can adjust the transformation of the image container to create the desired effect. In this example, we're translating the container vertically based on the scroll position with a factor of 0.4. Feel free to adjust this value to achieve the effect you want.

6. Save your changes and publish your Webflow project. The sticky image container should now change dynamically as you scroll.

By implementing this approach, you can create a sticky image container that changes as you scroll in Webflow, and it should work across different web browsers, including Safari. Remember to customize the JavaScript code, class names, and adjustments based on your specific design requirements.

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