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Can Webflow provide Android scrollbars? How can they be implemented?


Webflow does not have a built-in feature to create custom Android scrollbars. Scrollbars in Webflow are controlled by the user's operating system and browser, so they will appear differently depending on the device and browser being used.

However, if you want to customize the appearance of scrollbars specifically for Android devices, you can use custom CSS to achieve that effect. Here's an example:

1. Add a class to the element you want to customize the scrollbar for. For example, you can add the class "custom-scrollbar" to a div block.
2. Go to the Custom Code section of your Webflow project settings, specifically the Head section.
3. Add the following code:

.custom-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 10px;

.custom-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background-color: #f1f1f1;

.custom-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background-color: #888;
border-radius: 5px;

.custom-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
background-color: #555;

In the code above, the `width` property defines the width of the scrollbar, the `background-color` property sets the color of the scrollbar track, and the `background-color` and `border-radius` properties control the appearance of the scrollbar thumb. You can customize these values to match your site's design.

This CSS uses the `::-webkit-scrollbar` pseudo-element, which specifically targets the webkit-based browsers used on Android devices. It won't affect scrollbars in other browsers.

Remember to publish your project for these styles to take effect. Keep in mind that this solution only applies to Android devices using webkit-based browsers, so it won't affect the scrollbars on other devices or browsers.

Implementing custom scrollbars in Webflow requires some CSS knowledge, but it allows you to achieve a more tailored look and feel for your Android users.

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