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How can I center my logo in the navigation bar with 2 links on the left and 3 links on the right in Webflow?


To center your logo in the navigation bar with two links on the left and three links on the right in Webflow, you can use a combination of flexbox and absolute positioning. Here's how you can achieve this:

1. Create a new section or container for your navigation bar. This will hold all the elements within the navigation.

2. Inside the navigation container, create a new div block, let's call it "left-links-container". This div block will contain the two links on the left side of the navigation.

3. Set the "left-links-container" div block to have a flex display. You can do this by selecting the div block, going to the Styles panel, and setting the display property to "flex".

4. With the "left-links-container" div block still selected, set the justify-content property to "flex-start" so that the links align to the left side.

5. Add your two links inside the "left-links-container" div block. You can use link blocks or text elements depending on your preference.

6. Next, create another div block inside the navigation container and name it "logo-container". This div block will contain your logo.

7. Set the "logo-container" div block to have a flex display and center the items using the justify-content property set to "center". This will horizontally center the logo within the navigation bar.

8. Place your logo inside the "logo-container" div block.

9. Finally, create another div block inside the navigation container and name it "right-links-container". This div block will contain the three links on the right side of the navigation.

10. Set the "right-links-container" div block to have a flex display and align the items to the right using the justify-content property set to "flex-end".

11. Add your three links inside the "right-links-container" div block, similar to the steps mentioned for the left links.

12. Adjust the positioning and styling of the navigation container and its child elements as needed to achieve the desired visual result.

By utilizing flexbox and absolute positioning, you can create a navigation bar with a centered logo and specific alignment for the links on the left and right sides. Remember to preview and test your navigation bar across different devices to ensure it displays correctly and responsively.

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