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How can I create an iOS7-like blur effect in Webflow without using opacity?

To create an iOS7-like blur effect in Webflow without using opacity, you can utilize the CSS `backdrop-filter` property. This property applies a visual effect to an element's backdrop, such as blurring or color shifting, without affecting the content inside the element.

Here's the step-by-step process to achieve this effect:

1. Select the element you want to apply the blur effect to. This could be an image, a section, or any other container.

2. Go to the Style panel and click on the Plus icon (+) beside the element's class or ID. This will create a new style for the element.

3. In the new style, click on the Add Property button and search for "backdrop-filter". Select it from the dropdown menu.

4. Set the value of the `backdrop-filter` property to "blur" to apply a basic blur effect. You can further customize the effect by using additional values like "brightness", "contrast", or "saturate" to achieve different visual effects.

5. Adjust the intensity of the blur effect by specifying a value for the `backdrop-filter` property. For example, `backdrop-filter: blur(10px)` will create a stronger blur effect than `backdrop-filter: blur(5px)`.

6. Fine-tune the effect by experimenting with different values and combining multiple effects together. For instance, you can use `backdrop-filter: blur(10px) brightness(150%)` to create a blurred and brighter effect.

7. Preview the results in the Designer and make further adjustments as needed.

It's important to note that the `backdrop-filter` property might not be fully supported in older or certain browsers. Make sure to check the browser compatibility and consider providing fallback styles or alternative solutions for unsupported browsers if necessary.

By utilizing the `backdrop-filter` property, you can easily create an iOS7-like blur effect in Webflow without relying on opacity.

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