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How can I render a background video correctly in Webflow to avoid cropping?

To render a background video correctly in Webflow and avoid cropping, follow these steps:

1. Prepare your video: Start by ensuring that your video file is appropriately edited and optimized for web delivery. Convert the video to an appropriate format like MP4, WEBM, or OGG, as these are widely supported by modern browsers. Additionally, compress the video to reduce its file size without compromising too much on quality. This will help in faster loading times and ensure compatibility across different devices.

2. Set up your video element: In your Webflow project, drag and drop a Video element onto your page where you want the background video to appear. The Video element is found in the Add panel on the left-hand side of the Designer.

3. Upload and add your video: With the Video element selected, click on the "Upload" button in the right-hand panel to upload your video file. Once the video is uploaded, you should see a thumbnail of the video in the element.

4. Adjust the video settings: In the Video element settings, you can tweak various aspects to avoid any cropping. Here's what you can do:

- Set the "Playback" option to "Loop" if you want the video to play continuously in the background.
- Turn on the "Autoplay" option if you want the video to start playing as soon as the page loads.
- Consider enabling the "Mute" option if you don't want the video's audio to play by default, ensuring a better user experience.
- Adjust the "Video Fit" setting to determine how the video fills the element. You have three options: "Cover" (which might crop parts of the video), "Contain" (which might leave empty spaces around the video), and "Fullscreen" (which will stretch the video to fit the entire screen).
- Use the handle in the Designer to resize and reposition the Video element to match the intended dimensions and placement of your video.

5. Fine-tune with custom code (optional): If you need more control over the video's behavior, you can add custom code. For instance, you could use CSS to set a specific aspect ratio, change the video's position, or apply additional styling.

By following these steps, you should be able to render a background video correctly in Webflow without any unwanted cropping. Remember to preview your changes and test the video on different devices to ensure it looks and behaves as intended.

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