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How can I set up slider buttons like this in Webflow?

To set up slider buttons like the one shown in the reference design in Webflow, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Add a Slider Component
Drag and drop a Slider component from the Webflow component panel onto your page where you want your slider to appear. This will create the basic structure for your slider.

Step 2: Customize Slide Structure
Modify the structure of each slide to match the design in the reference, which consists of an image, heading, subheading, and a button. You can use a combination of Div Blocks, Images, Heading elements, Text elements, and Button elements to recreate the design.

Step 3: Style the Slider
To style the slider and make it look like the reference design, you'll need to apply custom CSS styles. You can either use the Webflow Designer's visual interface or the custom code in the project settings. Here are some steps you can follow:

1. Select the Slider component and apply a width, height, and any desired positioning styles to fit your design.

2. Style the individual slides by targeting their respective classes. You can add custom classes to each slide and use those classes to apply specific styles. For example, you can target the image, heading, and subheading elements within each slide.

3. Apply styles to achieve the desired button design. Use the Button element or style a link element to match the reference design. You can apply background colors, hover effects, borders, and custom typography styles.

4. To position the buttons in the desired location (for example, overlaying the image), you can use absolute positioning. Apply position: relative to the slide element, and position: absolute with appropriate top, left, right, or bottom values to the button element.

Step 4: Add Interactions
To create the slider interaction where the button click navigates to another slide, you can use Webflow's interactions panel. Here is how you can handle the interaction:

1. Select the button element within the slide and open the interactions panel.

2. Add an interaction trigger for the "Click" event on the button.

3. Choose the "Slide" action and set the target slide you want to transition to.

4. Customize the animation options, such as direction, easing, and duration, to match your desired effect.

Repeat these steps for each button within the slider to set up the desired slide transitions.

With these steps, you should be able to set up slider buttons like the one shown in the reference design using Webflow. Remember to customize the styles and interactions based on your design preferences and requirements.

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