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How can I enable event tracking for button clicks in Webflow using Google Analytics?


Enabling event tracking for button clicks in Webflow using Google Analytics is a great way to gain insights into user behavior and track specific interactions on your website. To accomplish this, follow the steps outlined below:

1. Set up Google Analytics: If you haven't already, you'll first need to set up Google Analytics for your website. Visit the Google Analytics website (analytics.google.com) and create a new property for your website. Once created, you'll receive a tracking ID in the format "UA-XXXXXXXX-X". Make sure to copy this tracking ID.

2. Install the Google Analytics tracking code in Webflow: In your Webflow project, navigate to the Project Settings and select the Custom Code tab. Under the Head Code section, paste the Google Analytics tracking code snippet provided by Google. This code should begin with "". Replace "UA-XXXXXXXX-X" with your own tracking ID. Save the changes.

3. Create a custom code embed: Identify the button or buttons you want to track. Select the button element(s) and click on the Settings tab. Scroll down to the Custom Code section and click on the '+' icon to create a new custom code embed. In the embed settings, choose the placement option "Before ". In the embed code area, paste the following code snippet:



Replace '.your-button-class-name' with the actual class name of your button element. If you want to track multiple buttons, you can separate their class names with commas. Additionally, modify 'Your Event Category' and 'Your Event Label' to relevant names that make sense for the specific button or interaction being tracked.

4. Publish your site: Once you've added the custom code embed and made any other necessary changes, click Publish in Webflow to update your live website with the event tracking functionality.

With these steps completed, Google Analytics will start tracking your button clicks as custom events. You can analyze this data within Google Analytics by navigating to Behavior -> Events -> Top Events. Here, you will be able to see the event category, label, and other related metrics, providing valuable insights into user interactions on your website.

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