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How can I position a background image relative to the right side of an element in Webflow and add a fixed pixel distance to prevent overlapping and breaking when the button label is long?

To position a background image relative to the right side of an element in Webflow, you can use CSS properties like `background-position` and `background-origin`. Here's how you can achieve this:

1. Select the element where you want to position the background image.
2. Go to the Style tab in the right sidebar.
3. Scroll down to the Background section and click on the "Add Image" button.
4. Upload or choose the desired background image.
5. In the Background section, you'll find a property called "Position". Click on the dropdown next to it and select "Right".
6. By default, the background image will be positioned at the top right of the element. If you want to add a fixed pixel distance to prevent overlapping when the button label is long, you can use the `background-origin` property.
7. In the Background section, click on the "Extended" button.
8. In the CSS properties panel, click on the "+" button to add a new property.
9. Enter `background-origin` as the property name.
10. Set the value of `background-origin` to `content-box`. This will ensure that the background image starts from the right side of the content and won't overlap with the button label.
11. Adjust other background properties like size, repeat, and position as needed.
12. Finally, click outside the Extended properties panel to save your changes.

By setting the `background-origin` property to `content-box`, the background image will be positioned relative to the content box of the element, which prevents it from overlapping the button label when it's long. Adjust the values and experiment with different options to achieve the desired positioning and spacing.

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