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Is it possible to incorporate a custom animation created in Webflow between transitions of slides in a vertical slider using fullpage.js?

Yes, it is possible to incorporate a custom animation created in Webflow between transitions of slides in a vertical slider using fullpage.js. Here's how you can achieve it:

1. Create your animation in Webflow: Start by designing and animating your custom animation using Webflow's powerful visual editor and animation tools. You can use interactions, keyframes, transforms, and other available features to create the desired animation effect.

2. Prepare your slider structure: Set up your slider structure using fullpage.js. Make sure to set it to the vertical mode, so that the slides transition vertically. Give each slide a unique identifier or class name for targeting purposes.

3. Export your Webflow project: Once you have created and tested your animation in Webflow, export your Webflow project as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

4. Include fullpage.js and custom animation files: In your HTML file, include the necessary dependencies for fullpage.js, such as the fullpage.js library file and its CSS styles. Also, include the custom animation files exported from Webflow, such as the generated CSS file and any JavaScript files if required.

5. Initialize fullpage.js: Initialize fullpage.js by calling the `fullpage()` function on your container element, specifying the desired options for your vertical slider. For example:

new fullpage('#fullpage', {
// Options go here

6. Trigger the animation between slides: Use the fullpage.js callbacks or events to detect when a slide transition occurs. For example, you can use the `afterLoad` or `onSlideLeave` callbacks. Specify a function that triggers your custom animation between the slides. Inside this function, you can use JavaScript to modify CSS classes or properties to initiate the desired animation effect.

new fullpage('#fullpage', {
afterLoad: function (origin, destination, direction) {
// Trigger custom animation based on the slide transition
if (origin.index === 0 && destination.index === 1) {
// Trigger animation from slide 1 to slide 2
// Modify CSS properties or apply classes to initiate the animation
// Add more conditions for other slide transitions as needed

7. Test and refine your animation: Preview your website to test the custom animation between slide transitions. Adjust the animation timings, properties, and other parameters as necessary to achieve the desired visual effect.

By combining Webflow's animation capabilities with fullpage.js, you can create dynamic and engaging transitions between slides in a vertical slider.

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