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Is there a simple way to create equal height columns in Webflow, regardless of the content within each column?

Yes, you can create equal height columns in Webflow using a CSS technique called Flexbox. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

1. Start by creating a new container element (e.g., a div) that will wrap your columns. Give it a class name (e.g., "columns-container") so that you can target it with CSS.

2. Inside the container, create individual column elements (e.g., divs) for each column you want to have equal height. Give them a class name (e.g., "column") for easier styling.

3. Select the "columns-container" and open the Style panel. Under the Layout section, choose Flexbox as the display option.

4. By default, Flexbox uses a "row" direction, which places the columns side by side horizontally. Now, go to the Align settings and choose "Stretch" for the Align Items property. This will make the columns stretch vertically to match the height of the tallest column.

5. With the Flexbox container selected, go to the Settings tab and enable the "Wrap Children" option. This will allow the columns to wrap onto multiple rows as needed.

6. Finally, you can style the individual columns as desired. Since they now have equal height, you can add background colors, adjust padding, or apply other styles without worrying about uneven column heights.

Remember, if you have any floating elements or height adjustments applied at the column level, you may need to remove or adjust those to achieve equal column heights. Flexbox will handle the equal height calculation automatically based on the content within the columns.

By using Flexbox, you can create equal height columns in Webflow without relying on JavaScript or complicated hacks. This method is flexible, responsive, and browser-compatible, making it a reliable solution for your layout needs.

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