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How can I make a child element display when hovering over its parent container in Webflow?


To make a child element display when hovering over its parent container in Webflow, you can use interactions and the hover trigger to achieve the desired effect. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Set up your elements
First, you'll need a parent container element and the child element that you want to show on hover. Make sure the child element is nested within the parent container element.

Step 2: Create an interaction
Go to the Interactions panel in the Webflow Designer, and click on the "New Interaction" button. Give your interaction a name for easy reference.

Step 3: Set the initial state
In the interaction settings, you'll see options for different trigger events. Select the parent container hover trigger event.

Step 4: Define the initial state of the child element
Click on the "+" button next to "Affect another element" in the interaction settings. Choose the child element that you want to show on hover.
Set the initial state of the child element to "Display: None" or "Opacity: 0" depending on the effect you want to achieve.

Step 5: Define the hover state of the child element
Click on the "+" button again and select the same child element. Modify the state settings to "Display: Block" or "Opacity: 1" to make the child element visible on hover.

Step 6: Adjust the transition settings (optional)
If you want to add a smooth transition effect when the child element appears on hover, you can adjust the transition settings in the interaction panel. You can modify properties like opacity, scale, position, or any other stylings you want.

Step 7: Test and preview
Preview your website to see the hover effect in action. Make sure to hover over the parent container to trigger the display of the child element.

That's it! You've successfully made a child element display when hovering over its parent container in Webflow using interactions. Remember to publish your site for the changes to take effect on the live website.

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