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How can I remove the default bullets and padding from a list in Webflow?

To remove the default bullets and padding from a list in Webflow, you can use custom code or the built-in options available in the Webflow designer. Below, I will explain both methods.

Method 1: Using the Webflow Designer
1. Select the list element you want to modify.
2. In the Styles panel on the right, locate the "List" section.
3. Under the "List marker" dropdown, select "None" to remove the default bullets.
4. Adjust the padding values under the "Margin & Padding" section according to your preference. Setting all padding values to 0 will remove all padding.

Note: The specific steps may vary slightly depending on your Webflow version, but the general concept remains the same.

Method 2: Using Custom Code
1. Select the HTML Embed element on your Webflow page.
2. Click inside the HTML Embed element, and switch to the "Custom Code" tab in the settings panel on the right.
3. In the "Before tag" field, add the following CSS code:



4. Publish your site for the changes to take effect.

This code applies to all unordered lists (ul) on your site and removes the default bullets and padding. You can also target specific list elements by using a class or ID selector along with the ul selector.

Remember to always preview your changes before publishing to ensure they work as intended and don't affect other parts of your site.

I hope this helps you remove the default bullets and padding from your lists in Webflow!

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