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Is it possible to have a background image in a div, set to "cover" and placed within a div set to "overflow hidden", that reacts to different image proportions and fills either the height or width while cropping to the center, using Webflow?


Yes, it is possible to achieve the desired effect using Webflow. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Create a Div Block
Start by creating a new Div Block by clicking on the "+" icon on the canvas or using the shortcut "D".

Step 2: Set the Overflow Property
Select the newly created Div Block and access the Styles panel. Under the Layout section, locate the "Overflow" property and set it to "Hidden". This will ensure that any content or background images that exceed the dimensions of the Div Block are hidden.

Step 3: Add a Background Image
With the Div Block still selected, scroll down in the Styles panel until you find the Background section. Click on the "Image" field and upload or choose an image from your library.

Step 4: Configure Background Image Settings
To achieve the desired effect of filling either the height or width while cropping to the center, you'll need to use custom CSS code in Webflow. Click on the "Open in Designer" button next to the Background section to access the Background Image settings.

Step 5: Add Custom CSS Code
In the Background Image settings, click on the "Custom" option under Position. This will enable you to add custom CSS code to position the background image.

Add the following CSS code in the input field:
background-size: cover;
background-position: center center;
This code will ensure that the background image fills the Div Block while being centered.

Step 6: Adjust Div Block Proportions
To make the Div Block responsive to different image proportions, you may need to adjust its dimensions. You can do this by selecting the Div Block and adjusting its height and width manually or using percentage-based values.

Step 7: Test and Fine-tune
Preview your project or publish it to a live URL to see how the background image responds to different proportions. Based on the specific dimensions of your Div Block and the images you're using, you may need to fine-tune the settings to achieve the desired result.

By following these steps, you should be able to create a Div Block with a background image set to "cover" and placed within a Div Block set to "overflow hidden" that reacts to different image proportions, filling either the height or width while cropping to the center in Webflow.

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