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How can I make a lightbox video autoplay when opened in Webflow? Additionally, how can I ensure that the navbar element is positioned underneath the lightbox when opened?


To make a lightbox video autoplay when opened in Webflow, you'll need to utilize the interactions feature and some custom code. Here's how you can achieve it:

Step 1: Add a Lightbox Video element to your design:
- Drag and drop a Lightbox Video element onto your page from the Webflow designer.
- Set the video source and configure any other settings like thumbnail, captions, etc.

Step 2: Enable autoplay through interactions:
- Select the Lightbox Video element and go to the interactions tab in the right sidebar.
- Click on the '+' icon to add a new interaction.
- Choose the "While page is loading" trigger.
- Click on the '+' icon to add a new action.
- Select the "Start video" action from the dropdown menu.
- Repeat the same steps, but this time choose the "While video is playing" trigger and set the action to "Pause video."
- This way, the video will start playing when the lightbox opens and pause when closed.

Step 3: Positioning the navbar element:
- By default, the lightbox should automatically position itself above the rest of your content, including the navbar. However, if you're experiencing any issues, you can adjust the z-index of the navbar to ensure it appears underneath the lightbox.
- Select your navbar element and go to the Styles tab in the right sidebar.
- Scroll down to the Positioning section and set the z-index value to a negative number (e.g., -1).
- This will ensure that the navbar is positioned behind the lightbox when it opens.

Remember to preview and test your design across different devices to ensure the desired autoplay and positioning effects are functioning correctly.

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