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Is there a workaround in Webflow to make all slides equal height based on the tallest slide?


Yes, there is a workaround in Webflow to make all slides equal height based on the tallest slide. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

1. Create a Slider component: Start by adding a Slider component to your Webflow project. You can find the Slider component under the "Components" tab in the add panel.

2. Design your slides: Design each slide with its content, ensuring that the content for each slide is similar in length or height.

3. Add a container to your slide: Inside each slide, add a div container that will act as the parent container for the slide's content.

4. Set the container to flexbox: Select the container and go to the Styles panel. Set the display property of the container to "Flex" by selecting "Flex" from the dropdown menu.

5. Set the container's direction and alignment: In the Styles panel, go to the Flex layout section and set the direction property to "Column". This will ensure that the slide content is stacked vertically. Additionally, set the alignment property to "Stretch". This will make the containers of each slide adjust their height based on the tallest slide.

6. Adjust the content within the container: If necessary, you may need to make further adjustments to the content within each container to ensure it displays correctly.

7. Test and fine-tune: Preview your website and verify that the containers for all the slides have adjusted their height to match the tallest slide. If necessary, you can fine-tune the layout by adjusting padding, margins, or other properties.

By following these steps, you can create a Slider with equal slide heights based on the tallest slide. This workaround takes advantage of flexbox and its ability to stretch containers to match the height of their parent container or tallest sibling.

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