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The Top 4 Lottie Webflow cloneables

Unlock even more potential of your lottie files in Webflow. The top lottie Webflow cloneables available for free.

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Two examples of animated Macbook and Apple animated mockups that are perfect for your Webflow site. Two variations of the Macbook coming into view and then opening as the user scrolls down the page. This uses a combination of Webflow interactions and Lottie files, with videos as the backgrounds for the mockup computers. These animated Mac mockups are perfect for portfolios, demo videos, demo GIFs and much more. A great example of how a simple Webflow interaction combined with Lottie files allows for a truly unique and dynamic animation in Webflow.

A simple and clean Hero section for a Webflow site that features content on the left and a large lottie hero image on the right. A perfect lightweight and clean Hero design perfect for any SaaS or tech company. The Hero section has a bold statement, two buttons and a large demonstration Lottie image. The design is fully responsive and can be used used to add a hero section to your Webflow sites landing page in seconds. This also uses Webflow's interactions for a unique logo animation on page load. This cloneable does not use any custom code or HTML embeds so adding to your site is super simple.

An experiment using a scroll effect, Lottiefiles and Webflow interactions and the simplest building blocks. A full description of how the effect is achieved so that you can easily replicate it yourself. The entire effect is created via Scroll Actions interactions and the location of the windows page scroll. The lottie files are then triggered by the percentage of the page scrolled with a "static" 100vh window.

A unique scroll animation in which a spider crawls across the screen in Webflow. This animation was built entirely from Webflow's native interactions and the power of Lottie animations. As the user scrolls down the page the animation is triggered and then moved across the screen using interactions.