Client-first Template 9 is for startup businesses. This is a resource released alongside our Client-first Style System for Webflow, a naming convention for every person, for every project. Client-first style system is a set of guidelines and strategies to help you build Webflow websites in a clean, organized, and scalable way. Client-first uses clearly named classes to make your projects marketer-friendly and is perfect for beginners and experts. Our builds use REM units to improve the website’s accessibility and responsiveness. Features: ➡️ 9 static and 2 CMS pages ➡️ Open-source design license ➡️ Follows the Client-first Webflow style system More info: What is Client-first? Full docs: 🎁 Get the Figma file:
A robust free Webflow cloneable template built with non-profits and similar industries in mind. This template is a perfect starting point and is based on Finsweet's client first naming conventions and guidelines. This template features 7 static pages and 3 CMS driven pages. It features a strong call to action hero section with a button and video. Below you'll find an additional information section, a client list logo bar, followed by an additional feature section with icons. You'll then see three cards built with hover interactions, a metrics section that features a donut bar graph and finally a strong call to action with additional blog posts below. There's even an events section and a menu and footer.
A simple Webflow template ideal for startups, technology companies, and SaaS. This template features a large hero section with a headline, call to action business and client logos. Below you'll find a feature headline, feature cards followed by another feature section. The next feature section includes a large image with a circular text overlay and vital metrics. Scrolling down further you'll notice a tabbed area, with various tabbed information. The template also includes a large call to action, testimonial section, blog cards, and a menu and footer.
An SaaS focused Webflow template that features a modern design and is perfect for technology startups, apps and similar tech based services. This template features a large header section with headline and a call to action button followed by a client bar. As you scroll down the page there's an about section with images and a metrics section, a feature section with custom cards, service overview cards, steps process with 6 individual cards and unique designs. There's a testimonial section with a slider and people avatars, a blog section with cards and a call to action. This template is based on Finsweet client first methodology which allows you to build fully responsive with an organized class system.
Client-first Template 10 is for religious communities. This is a resource released alongside our Client-first Style System for Webflow, a naming convention for every person, for every project. Client-first style system is a set of guidelines and strategies to help you build Webflow websites in a clean, organized, and scalable way. Client-first uses clearly named classes to make your projects marketer-friendly and is perfect for beginners and experts. Our builds use REM units to improve the website’s accessibility and responsiveness. Features: ➡️ 6 static and 2 CMS pages ➡️ Open-source design license ➡️ Follows the Client-first Webflow style system
A free Webflow theme perfect for web designers, creatives, and personal sites. This template features a large hero section with a call to action button with gradients, headline and primary image. As you scroll lower on the page theirs an about me section, photo section, services area, metrics section, logo/client area, portfolio section, testimonial cards and blog posts section. This template includes an about page, services page, portfolio page and a contact page. This is built using Finsweets client first methodology making it easy to build organized and responsive sites.
A high quality free Webflow cloneable perfect for coffee shops, cafes, restaurants and other food related businesses. This template is built on Finsweets client first methodology which makes it easy to build high quality sites with structured naming schemes and responsive design. This template features a large hero section with primary image, headlines, and hours/location prominently displayed. As the user scrolls down you're then presented with further information about the establishment including FAQs and metrics. Below that section you'll find feature cards showing what's available at the cafe/restaurant. Farther down the page is a menu, with pricing and pictures. Also included with this template is a testimonial slider and video play option. Finally you're presented with location and hour information.
A modern and clean Webflow theme perfect for SaaS, startup, and technology sites. This template features a big headline, call to action button, client logo bar, feature cards, call to action, testimonial cards, FAQ accordion with Webflow interaction. The template is based on Finsweet's class naming conventions which makes building Webflow sites faster and easier and responsive. This template features a product page, pricing page, about, contact and blog.
A free Webflow template cloneable perfect for auto mechanics, dealerships and other transport related services. This template was created using Finsweets client first methodologies, making this template easy to work with and build upon. This template features a large hero section with a call to action button, parallax scroll review effects, a booking/quote form with a features list, a step process feature section, feature cards with hover effects and a large CTA section. There's also a metrics section, brand logo grid, testimonial slider and a FAQ accordion with Webflow interactions.
Client-first Template 8 is a Podcast template. This is a resource released alongside our Client-first Style System for Webflow, a naming convention for every person, for every project. Client-first style system is a set of guidelines and strategies to help you build Webflow websites in a clean, organized, and scalable way. Client-first uses clearly named classes to make your projects marketer-friendly and is perfect for beginners and experts. Our builds use REM units to improve the website’s accessibility and responsiveness. Features: ➡️ 7 static and 3 CMS pages ➡️ Open-source design license ➡️ Follows the Client-first Webflow style system More info: What is Client-first? Full docs: 🎁 Get the Figma file:
Want to add a range slider to Webflow? Here's a way to add a range slider inside Webflow using Finsweet's Attributes. This slider can be used for either forms or filters on your Webflow projects. Please note that you'll need to add a custom JS library found within the head tag in order for this to work properly. Also check the documentation in order to ensure you've set this up correctly.
Over 20+ different lottie files perfect for the humburger or menu button of your navigation bar on Webflow. These unique menu nav lottie file icons are perfect for movements and animations of a hamburger button within your Webflow site.
A set of various language switcher elements designed for your Webflow site. If you use translation on your site these handy language switcher elements will come in handy. There are 14 different designs with necessary interactions to make them easy to copy and paste into your Webflow site. Nearly every kind of design you could think of to make this easy to implement.
Complex techniques to achieve amazing background effects using unique blending and backdrop filter effects and blending effects. In this demo you'll see a hide/show background effect on scroll, moving divs/assets wherever on a page and the various blending techniques, mouse hover over to effect background effects and more. Combine separate channels into full colour photo; magically hide and show objects simultaneously using nothing but solid coloured divs; play with stacking various blend modes on top of each other; see the mind-bending inception of inversion of already inverted objects; use interactive colour changer for your elements, that does not even touch the elements themselves; create fun colour-restoring games; reveal the magical world invisible to naked eye with your blend-empowered cursor.
A simple and clean Hero section for a Webflow site that features content on the left and a large lottie hero image on the right. A perfect lightweight and clean Hero design perfect for any SaaS or tech company. The Hero section has a bold statement, two buttons and a large demonstration Lottie image. The design is fully responsive and can be used used to add a hero section to your Webflow sites landing page in seconds. This also uses Webflow's interactions for a unique logo animation on page load. This cloneable does not use any custom code or HTML embeds so adding to your site is super simple.
An advanced demonstration of using Finsweets Attributes CMS Filter using no-code for Webflow. The example includes a search input, sorting, checkboxes, range slider, sorting, drop down, radio buttons and more. A great way to understand the capabilities and advanced filtering options of Attributes CMS filtering.
Unique, lottie backgrounds that add a dynamic layer to your Webflow site. Static backgrounds are boring, add some flair and uniqueness to your Webflow site with lottie backgrounds.
Backdrop filters for Webflow that show three different background effects including inverting colors, saturating colors, hue rotation, and grayscale created by Finsweet. This cloneable was created to showcase Webflow's latest native backdrop filters.
Ever wanted to create a previous/next button for CMS items in Webflow? Using this cloneable and technique from Finsweet you'll be able to create a previous and next button for Webflow items so that users can navigate seamlessly between items of your CMS collection.
A copy and paste GDPR compliant cookie consent widget. This Webflow cloneable features a pre-made and GDPR compliant cookie consent widget perfect for your Webflow site. This method stops all scripts from loading, requires no javascript editing and utilizes Webflow's data attributes and works with Webflow interactions. You can create multiple options for the levels of cookie consents and this cloneable comes with 5 different variations of the cookie consent, one that utilizes Webflow interactions. This is a complete solution to allow you to properly validate your users cookie experience based on GDPR requirements.
This is the official project starter cloneable for Client-First. It contains a style guide page with all the utility classes that come with the Client-First style system. What is Client-First? Full docs: Made with 💪 by Finsweet
A full suite of wonderfully designed and accessible components for Finsweets Attributes CMS Filter and Webflow forms. Includes radio button, checkbox, dropdown, search input, select, range slider and more!
Learn how to add interactions to your Webflow CMS dynamic slides.
F'in sweet Webflow websites and products. Creators of Attributes, CMS Filter, CMS Nest, and more.