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The Top 52 Background Webflow cloneables

Background image and color effects for Webflow. These background Webflow cloneables can easily enhance any site.

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A fun way of changing the gradient background color via mouse in Webflow. Please note this will not work in Firefox. This is a native Webflow interaction and just a single line of CSS code. The CSS controls the pointer events to none while the interactions control the location of the blur and it's surrounding effects.

Add a liquid metal background animation to your Webflow site via WebGL. Please note that this example relies heavily on scripts and custom code so you'll need to add the custom code found within the page settings.

A fully cloneable animated blurry gradient background that can be used on your hero section, or other sections of your site. Helps add a layer of dynamic elements to your Webflow site. This is a 100% native solution with Webflow interactions and utilizes colored div blocks with CSS scaling.

A fun, interactive bubble blog for your Webflow site driven by Three.js. This interactive bubble blob follows the mouse around the page and moves and interacts based on it's location. A fun way of adding a dynamic and interactive background animation to your Webflow site.

Background swirl animation via canvas backgrounds in Webflow. This method is created via a custom JS file found in the closing body tag of the page settings. This utilizes the unique javascript text "hack" allowing you to host JS files as text files in Webflow and calling that text file as a script.

Here's a demonstration of using three.js for the background of your Webflow site.

Here's a beautiful WebGL colorful background animation on page load. A great way to add extra color and a dynamic element to your Webflow site.

A fun example of how to utilize native div shapes to create ultra gradients in Webflow. In this example the author creates unique gradients via Webflow by creating colored blobs and utilizing a number of different effects to create a gradient style background for your Webflow site. This utilizes a combination of border radius, 2d & 3d transforms and other effects to allow you to create gradients without 3rd party images or CSS gradient classes. Add in native Webflow interactions and you can build Stripe like animated gradients in no time.

A two colored spiral galaxy animation for Webflow created with Three.js. This spiral galaxy spins in the background of your Webflow site and offers zoom in/zoom out functionality by the scroll wheel on your mouse.

Using three.js and vanta.js to accomplish a 3D interactive polygon water background effect for Webflow. This interactive background allows for a ripple and water effect to be added to your Webflow site. When a user interacts with the page the water changes views and dimensions. You can edit the following variables based on your requirements. You can edit: shininess: 150.00, waveHeight: 26.00, waveSpeed: 0.70, zoom: 0.65, color: 0x368bbe

A liquid 3D mesh net with gradients and transitions engulfs the background of your Webflow site. Inside there are shaders and code found in the page. You can adjust the values to customize the effects of this liquid 3D mesh design.

A full page background video hero section design in Webflow. An easy way to integrate a background video hero section in your Webflow projects with unique button interactions, and a scroll indicator.

A stunning background animation that's interactive and provides a glassmorphism design via Three.js for Webflow. This interactive, twisting sphere can be dragged and rotated anywhere. Playing with the settings, especially phase, will produce colorful and unique results.

A fluid, morphing SVG background for your Webflow site using Anime.js. Perfect for the background of your Webflow sections, or entire site.

A very cool three.js background animation featuring fly by hills that are black and white. A unique way to add 3D depth the background of your Webflow site.

Here's a guide and an example of Particle.js on a Webflow site. Particle.js is a fun way of adding a dynamic background to your Webflow site. In this example a new particle is added every time you click on the background of the site.

An interactive sky background for your Webflow site using three.js and vanta.js. When a user interacts with the page it feels like you're flying through a set of clouds. A perfect way of adding depth and interactive nature to your Webflow site.

A low tech javascript free pattern generator that combines a list of colors and shapes to create random geometric patterns via CMS.

An interactive background animation for Webflow created with Spline. There's also a custom loading animation with a background image.

Add a flock of interactive flying birds to your Webflow site via three.js and vanta.js. A wonderful way of adding an interactive background of 3D birds flying to your Webflow site. You can edit the following sections of the custom code for further refinement. You can edit: backgroundColor: 0xffffff, color1: 0xf70707, color2: 0xff5a00, birdSize: 0.90, wingSpan: 29.00, speedLimit: 4.00, separation: 22.00, alignment: 21.00, cohesion: 21.00, backgroundAlpha: 0.93

A fun way of adding an interactive halo background effect to your Webflow site using the power of Three.js and Vanta.js.

Here's a way to add random stroke backgrounds to your Webflow site via three.js and vanta.js. Each time the page is loaded the strokes are loaded randomly.

A demonstration of a spiral galaxy via three.js in Webflow with a GUI control panel. In this example you're able to manipulate the spiral galaxy animation and customize the settings. A great way of testing/playing with this three.js technique to find the best settings for your spiral galaxy.

A subtle, yet clean gradient moving background interaction created for Webflow. This cloneable was built with only Webflow native interactions and does not require any additional code or HTML embeds. The effect was created by adding 4 different circle gradients to a gradient wrapper. The moving gradients uses Webflow interactions page load trigger and manipulates the scale of each item over a timeframe. Essentially each item grows and contracts at different intervals creating the appearance of a moving gradient background that isn't overwhelming.

A hero section perfect for an agency and portfolio website in Webflow. This hero section features a gradient changing background animation, a simple yet elegant design and a full screen hamburger menu.

Here's a way of changing the background image on a link hover in Webflow. This is great for a menu, or other sections in which you'd like to have the image change while hovering over a text or link element on your Webflow site.

Here's a way of adding a colored fog background effect to your Webflow site using Three.js and Vanta.js. Please keep in mind that this has good browser compatibility however is CPU intensive and may have some minor issues on mobile. Be sure use only one Vanta.js animation per page.

Have your navbar shrink on page scroll via this Webflow cloneable. Easily create dynamic navbars for your Webflow site that shrink upon scrolling down the page. Once a user reaches a certain point on the page the navbar transitions from dark to light while shrinking. This does not require any custom code and utilizes Webflow's native interactions. This utilizes Webflow's While scrolling in view for two different classes and as previously mentioned does not require any extra custom code. This cloneable is perfect for anyone looking to create a dynamic navbar that allows for dynamic changes based on the users scroll depth on the site.

An amazing background color changing on timer for Webflow. The background color changes automatically based on a timed interval of your choosing. The animation uses a small snippet of JS within each page. In order to change the colors you will have to change the hex code in the array.

Backdrop filters for Webflow that show three different background effects including inverting colors, saturating colors, hue rotation, and grayscale created by Finsweet. This cloneable was created to showcase Webflow's latest native backdrop filters.

A nice background animation with a very small fie size. Download the JS files, download the .txt fill file Search for backgroundColor Change the hsla code Upload the new file Link the new script in the script tag

Here's a way to use CMS video backgrounds with Webflow that fit the entire container. This works with Webflow's own compressions, as well as mp4 and webm. The background videos are via lazyload and will only load on scroll.

Here's a way to create a color changing background effect in Webflow. Using preselected colors you can have the background color of your Webflow site shift over time between your preselected colors.

A responsive, full-screen, Vimeo video embed in the background of the site on Webflow. Please note that you need to visit Webflow's cloneable page of this item to preview it. Change out the video link in the video-embed element nested in the video-wrap div.

Unique, lottie backgrounds that add a dynamic layer to your Webflow site. Static backgrounds are boring, add some flair and uniqueness to your Webflow site with lottie backgrounds.

Here's a way to add a unique dancing light effect for the background of your Webflow site. This uses CSS for the animations which is responsive and will animate vertically on smaller screens.

Complex techniques to achieve amazing background effects using unique blending and backdrop filter effects and blending effects. In this demo you'll see a hide/show background effect on scroll, moving divs/assets wherever on a page and the various blending techniques, mouse hover over to effect background effects and more. Combine separate channels into full colour photo; magically hide and show objects simultaneously using nothing but solid coloured divs; play with stacking various blend modes on top of each other; see the mind-bending inception of inversion of already inverted objects; use interactive colour changer for your elements, that does not even touch the elements themselves; create fun colour-restoring games; reveal the magical world invisible to naked eye with your blend-empowered cursor.

This is a demonstration of Webflow's new blending and backdrop effect filters in action. This cloneable features both blending and backdrop effects in a fun art quiz. The artwork that's being questioned is covered by the Screen blending effect with a Blur backdrop filter over it. When a user selects an answer the blending and backdrop filter is removed to showcase the artists artwork.

Learn how to add a particle bounce animation to your Webflow site. This effect uses a simple copy and paste code within the custom code section. You can even customize the code to add variety to this animation.

Looping lines and wires on page scroll via background animation all through Webflow interactions. This interaction adds a fun background animation to your Webflow site that creates lines moving randomly in different directions on your Webflow's background. As you scroll down the size of the lines grow gradually larger.

Here's a fully responsive, full page slider with diagonal transitions. Here's a great way to add dynamic slider animations and interactions to your Webflow site slider.

Another demonstration of Webflow's new blending and backdrop filters. Here you can see hue, screen, hard light, color, color dodge, difference, multiply, and overlay blending and background filters in action in Webflow. A clean way to quickly demonstrate the different affects that blending and backdrop can have on images and items on a Webflow site.

A unique, fancy background hero with text masking effect over a background autoplay video.

A great way of adding draggable background maps to your Webflow site. This is an example of a topographic map of Switzerland although could be adapted to other maps. This is easy to embed to your Webflow site.

A unique colorful gradient background animation technique to add some flare and depth to your Webflow site.

Want to add a static TV background effect to your Webflow site? This effect was created in Webflow using only an image and an animation to achieve the effect. There's no custom code or any other trickery going on other than Webflow's native interactions and designer.

Here's a fun technique, using a slider with a hover slider to dynamically change the color of a sites background in Webflow. This was all made with Webflow interactions.

Here's a way to add a background image change on link hover to Webflow. Using a simple trick to change the background image on mouse hover dynamic items list. This is all done with native Webflow capabilities without any scripts.

Here's a technique to add a image based grid to the background of your Webflow site that follows the mouse cursor on the page. A fun technique to adding a dynamic and layered effect with a bit of mouse cursor interaction.

A unique demonstration of TypeJS and Webflow. Using your keyboard you can change the color of the background using TypedJS, simply type a letter from A-Z and the background color changes.

A demonstration of using Sketch.js for a background interaction within Webflow. Using sketch.js the background of your Webflow site becomes a drawing canvas in which users can move their mouse and it creates a design on the background of the Webflow site.

A unique slider interaction that changes the slide and the pages background image upon each transition in Webflow. A fun way of creating a hero section that adds a level of dynamic flair to your Webflow site.