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Dynamic Responsive Portfolio Grid

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The Dynamic Responsive Portfolio Grid cloneable is a template for showcasing a portfolio of work on a Webflow site. It features a grid layout that is responsive and adjusts to different screen sizes using Flexbox. The grid layout is dynamic and adjusts to the number of portfolio items being displayed, making it easy to add or remove items from the portfolio. The cloneable includes a tutorial video that provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up and customize the portfolio grid for your own site. The Dynamic Responsive Portfolio Grid cloneable is an excellent resource for designers and developers looking to create a professional, responsive portfolio on their Webflow site.

Here's a way of adding a full page infinite scrollable and draggable grid in Webflow. This grid is fully draggable in ALL directions, horizontal and vertical as well as in any other direction. A perfect way of adding a unique design for portfolios, photography and much more in Webflow. This can also be used to tie into Webflow's native CMS system.

Cards 2 is an amazing UI kit and framework to allow you to quickly design and wireframe your next landing page using Webflow. There are over 100+ different prebuilt symbols and components included for hi-fidelity wireframing for any UI/UX designers. Create landing pages and designs faster with the Cards 2.0 UI kit directly in Webflow and ready to be published directly with code. This UI kit includes 50 new cards as Webflow components/symbols in both dark and light variations. 3 complete landing page designs in both dark and light. Symbols/components for both hero sections, features, testimonials, team, pricing pages, blog posts and more. These are responsive for all 4 breakpoints and all cards are offered in a Sketch file. This UI kit allows you to build your designs faster and begin the design process directly in Webflow.

Easily add a grainy effect to your entire site. This uses a grain png that was on a Webflow site. You can create your own grains as well to change it up.

Box shadows aren't the easiest thing to create in Webflow. Here are 6 different box shadows ready to go and to be added to your projects.

A FAQ section with a sticky sidebar and accordions for various FAQ questions.

Here's a Webflow budget app created in Webflow and coded with Svelte running on Webflow. This is a great demonstration of the power of Webflow and using JS, the power of front-end design + JS for more dynamic and functional web apps.

Here's a way to achieve a unique hero section using grid and the Wizardry method in Webflow.

A vertical masonry image grid lightbox driven by Webflow's native CMS. This allows you to easily integrate a beautiful masonry image grid with a full screen pop up modal upon click. The modal has a lighthouse slider with thumbnails that you can click on and view each individual image within the CMS system.

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Here's a full screen menu navigation with animations and interactions in Webflow. This is a great way to easily add a menu/navigation to your Webflow site. This was comprised of three components during the build process. First, an image wrapper with an image inside of it. Second, the blue background and third a right wrapper with the menu items inside of it. The image wrapper and right wrapper are both 50% width within the menu. The width of the blue background is 150% so it has a quicker animation as it scales in. By having separate wrappers inside of the menu wrapper the scaling effect can also apply to the image, and the blue background as well as individual animations to the menu items. The menu trigger also turns into a close icon on click and then back to the hamburger button.

An add to cart hover button animation for Webflow. When a user hovers over the Add to Cart button a shopping cart icon slides in from the right side. This helps users understand the action taking place on the button and helps add a new level of dynamic buttons to your Webflow site.

A unique product card animation on hover in Webflow. When a user hovers over a card the image shifts down, and a border appears with an animation, there's also a description of the card that appears as well. This animation effect was built entirely with Webflow's native interactions.

Easily add a grainy effect to your entire site. This uses a grain png that was on a Webflow site. You can create your own grains as well to change it up.

Showcase and feature your CTA by adding moving lines to the border in Webflow. Using this technique you can showcase anything that you want to draw the users eyes to by adding moving lines and a 3D hover rotation to products, cards and other important aspects on your site.

Here's a product card with image zoom on hover for Webflow. When the user hovers over the product image it scales up and zooms so the user can see more information about the physical product. This was accomplished by placing the image div inside of a wrapper with an overflow hidden. When the user hovers over the image wrapper the image div scales up to double the size. Then with the mouse over element interaction the image moves in different directions when hovering over the image wrapper. This allows the user to hover around the image to see different parts.

Here's a unique way to add transition animations to a full screen slider. Using both Swiper.js and a GSAP animation script.

Here is a 3D info card animation on hover in Webflow. When you hover over the card an image panel rotates in horizontally to reveal the content. The effect was achieved by adding a div block with a child perspective applied to it. Then another div blcok was added inside of the 3D wrapper. With the interactions this div block was rotated from 90 degrees to 0 degrees on the X axis. Since the wrapper has a child perspective it creates a 3D effect for the panel as it comes in. It also has a reveal from top to bottom as the panel comes in.

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