The Glass Objects Three.js Demo is a stunning example of how to use Three.js in Webflow to create 3D glass objects. This cloneable demonstrates how to create transparent 3D objects, including a circle, a moving donut, and a diamond with an image background. The image is distorted through the 3D images created by Three.js, giving a unique and eye-catching effect. This demonstration requires the live site view in order to view the 3D objects, and there are changeable parameters available to further customize and play with the demonstration. It's important to note that this cloneable is simply an embed of a Three.js file hosted on Netlify. Whether you're a seasoned Three.js user or new to the platform, the Glass Objects Three.js Demo is a great resource to add some dynamic and interactive elements to your Webflow site.
A fun, interactive bubble blog for your Webflow site driven by Three.js. This interactive bubble blob follows the mouse around the page and moves and interacts based on it's location. A fun way of adding a dynamic and interactive background animation to your Webflow site.
Background swirl animation via canvas backgrounds in Webflow. This method is created via a custom JS file found in the closing body tag of the page settings. This utilizes the unique javascript text "hack" allowing you to host JS files as text files in Webflow and calling that text file as a script.
An exploding text particles animation using Three.js in Webflow. A good demonstration of how to add Three.js to your Webflow site. In this cloneable the text begins to morph and explode as you move the cursor over it. Please note that this uses custom code found in the head and closing body tags of the page settings.
Here's a demonstration of using three.js for the background of your Webflow site.
A two colored spiral galaxy animation for Webflow created with Three.js. This spiral galaxy spins in the background of your Webflow site and offers zoom in/zoom out functionality by the scroll wheel on your mouse.
A fun three.js background animation for your Webflow site. Flying butterflies will come from the bottom left hand corner of your page and fly up to the top right and off of the screen. A fun background animation effect powered by Three.js and Webflow.
Using three.js and vanta.js to accomplish a 3D interactive polygon water background effect for Webflow. This interactive background allows for a ripple and water effect to be added to your Webflow site. When a user interacts with the page the water changes views and dimensions. You can edit the following variables based on your requirements. You can edit: shininess: 150.00, waveHeight: 26.00, waveSpeed: 0.70, zoom: 0.65, color: 0x368bbe
Three different link hover effects perfect for a menu on Webflow. These three effects create an image hover distortion using three.js.
A demonstration of a 3D glass objects using Three.js in Webflow. This demonstration requires the live site view in order to view the demonstration. This three.js features a 3D transparent objects, a circle a moving donut and a diamond with an image background. The image is distorted through the 3D images created by Three.js. In this demonstration there are also changeable parameters that allow you to further tweak and play with the demonstration. Further note that this is simply an embed of a Three.js file hosted on Netlify.