An amazing free Webflow cloneable template that's perfect for a food blog, restaurant, recipe site and much more. This cloneable features stunning typography and a image based on the content of the latest post. This magazine style food blog offers a premade menu, post section, and is a perfect starting point for any new Webflow site.
A simple yet sophisticated rebuild of a Spotify style landing page in Webflow. This is a perfect landing page for an app or technology startup/SaaS. It features unique timed auto slider with animations, thumbnails that sync with teh main slider and you can use the controls to move between the slides. There is custom javascript that makes all of the magic happen.
Six different wonderfully designed material style navigation menus and footers for Webflow. These are perfect cloneables to quickly build either navigation menus, footers, or both for your Webflow site.
Here's a rebuild of Stripes mega menu design in Webflow. Add a unique mega menu design and navbar to your site inspired by Stripe's mega menu.
Here's a way to bulid a pricing calculator based on multiple slider inputs to get an estimate/quote for your clients. This is accomplished using the native Webflow slider element and a bit of CSS to style the controls. Values are updated by the sliders as well as by entering in a number within the top input fields. This is perfect for custom pricing and quotes needed on a pricing page.
Webflow Development Agency specialized in crafting amazing experiences with no limits.