Webflow sync, pageviews & more.

Webflow Rebuild

This project is a complete Desktop rebuild of Webflow website home page. Needless to say, Webflow home page is a huge example of how to implement mega menus, scrolling interactions, custom tabs components, infinite marquees that stops on hover, greatly customized sliders, awesome design, and much more.

Easy to implement looping lightbox via jQuery for Webflow. All you need to do to implement is copy the code from the page settings. Add fo-lightbox class to all lightbox elements. Publish the site to see the results as it won't work in designer. This method utilizes Webflow's native CMS for the images and the custom JS code provided in the closing body tag of the Page Settings.

A fun demonstration of what's possible using Webflow interactions and animations. When a user scrolls down the page the numbers continue to count up or count down on scroll up. This utilizes a number of native Webflow interactions and animations including 3D transforms, some math and a round text effect with absolutely no code. Scroll to the bottom to view the full interaction and the last animation effect.

A fancy scrolling interaction to showcase your work in Webflow. This cloneable uses Webflow's native CMS and the power of Webflow interactions to create a smooth scrolling interaction in which each slide is a different section. Upon scrolling the images move in smoothly and the headline and description appear. This is a rather extensive interaction as it deals with scroll actions and scale, opacity, move based on the location of the page.

An easy way to add a text link highlighting effect to your Webflow site. With this cloneable you'll learn how to add an inner shadow on link hover with a distance attribute to create a growing underline effect for your links. This method uses no interactions and relies on Webflow's native transitions.

A geometric pattern design with hover animations created in Webflow. This technique and demonstration was created completely with Webflow's native designer and requires no additional codes or scripts to work properly. Using a bit of creativity and patience a few skew tranforms can build a seamlessly endless geometric pattern. Add in some border animations and you've got a fun, fully interactive geometric pattern in Webflow.

A unique 3D looping card animation built with zero code on Webflow. This is perfect for a unique way to display features, services, images and more on a site. This infinite looping card animation continues endlessly and provides a fun and unique interaction animation that adds a dynamic flair to your Webflow site.

Social media sharing buttons with hover interactions for Webflow. These social sharing buttons feature a unique aspect in which the entire background color changes on hover over to the relevant social media sites color scheme. A simple, yet fun social sharing idea. This was built entirely from Webflow interactions and doesn't require any additional code.

A fully built Webflow CMS for structured data to help provide insight into how to structure your Webflow CMS to support markup and Google Structured Data.

Here's a technique to autoplay videos on horizontal scroll in Webflow. Using the power of Youtube APIs, window scroll events and the power of Webflow interactions you're able to now create horizontal scroll animations in which videos are automatically played or paused on scroll events. There's also a delay on the play function to add a bit of an intro animation to each video by mixing the scroll into view interactions.

A fully responsive 3D flippable/foldable card effect on hover. You can also achieve this via the scroll method as there are two options in this demonstration. These affects were created using Webflow's native interaction and require no additional code. The interaction uses hover event and rotate and move actions.

A fun way of adding detailed information for your CMS items via a jQuery powered sidebar. The project uses a single CMS collection list to populate both the grid and the information when clicking on the card.

A unique way of showcasing your logo front and center and have it move up on page scroll in Webflow. This adds a fun dynamic element to your Webflow site and draws the users attention in. This interaction was created entirely from Webflow's native interactions using the While page is scrolling functionality and size, move, scale, opacity and more. This requires no additional custom code and can be cloned and setup quickly.

An amazing redesign and rebuild of Webflow.com's navbar and mega menu based on 2021! This mega menu features a full width menu with custom dropdowns, lists, custom icons and a grid layout. A great starting point for building out a mega menu in Webflow based on Webflow's beautiful menu design.

A unique gradient glowing text effect for Webflow with unique hover interactions. Playing with backdrop filters, SVG clip path, and linear gradients you can now add a unique glowing text effect to your Webflow projects. Just hover over the image to reveal the animation. Be sure to add the custom HTML embed found on the cloneable to ensure that this works properly.

A way of creating a stacking testimonial card section in Webflow on scroll. As the user scrolls down the page testimonial cards are stacked on top of one another. This technique was built primarily with Webflow interactions although does use a HTML CSS embed for the numbers on the card. You can remove this if you don't plan on using the outlined numbers found in this demonstration.

Infinite looping scroll marquee with stopping on hover via CSS. Also provides a unique jquery effect for hover over to display more information about the object. The infinite scroll marquee is powered by Webflow's native CMS system. In order for this to work you'll need to add the custom CSS script and JS script found within the Page Settings.

Here's a way to add a counting timer in Webflow with a slider effect. This is a combination of Webflow interactions, CSS animations and custom JS. Since this is a custom CSS animation, it is completely based on attributes and more importantly modular. When scrolling down the boxes rotate out of place and create a fun interaction.

Unlock the power of jQuery with this scrolling 3D cube. A fun way of showcasing images, portfolio items and more.

A unique 3D image mosaic with glare effects and 3D transforms in Webflow. This cloneable uses 100% native Webflow interactions to achieve the effects with a large number of mosaic tile divs for the images. The Webflow interactions utilizes to create this effect are Rotate, Filter and Move via Mouse Actions.

A fun way of adding a canvas cursor tracking element via HTML canvas to your Webflow site. With a bit of JavaScript you can add a fun cursor tracking effect to your Webflow site. Be sure to add the custom JS code found within the page settings for this to work properly.

A fun cube particles animation for your Webflow site. The code was tweaked to make it fully responsive and configurable within your Webflow project using attributes. You can edit particle color (HSL format), scale factor for desktop and mobile, particle density, cube perspective, particle spread and particle velocity all within the attributes. Be sure to add the HTML embed to ensure that this works properly.

Add flair to your Webflow buttons with this linear gradient animation. This demonstration include two different variations of the linear button gradient animation, one created solely via Webflow interactions and the other via CSS. There are also two different styled animations, one that's one time and another that infinite loops while on hover.

A stunning portfolio/image grid interaction in which a circle follows and grows when hovering over the portfolio/image grid in Webflow. This was created via Webflow interactions and animations and some custom jQuery. A lovely way to liven up your image grids or portfolio items on your Webflow site.

Enjoy Webflow's loading screen? Now you can add Webflow's circular preloader screen to your Webflow site. This preloader was built using Webflow's native interactions as a demonstration of what you can build with Webflow.

Here's a way to transform text with Webflow without using any SVGs or custom code. This text effect is accomplished with text & divs and mixing those with some move and rotate transforms with the overflow property. A unique approach to creating vibrant text effects within Webflow.

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Francesco Castronuovo

Passionate about bodybuilding and japanese. Can't help singing when washing up - UK and US are both well. By the way, I love webflow!

I have
templates featured on Flowradar.
I'm active in the Webflow community and have created
cloneables that have been included above.
My cloneables are featured in the following categories
and I'm always looking forward to build more.