Webflow sync, pageviews & more.


A clean, simple and yet sophisticated Webflow cloneable template perfect for web designers, creatives and similar industries. This template features a large header section that features a call to action button and product portfolio image. Further down the page you'll find a case study section, services cards area with service options, a caste study area, a tabbed steps process with scroll load interactions, client testimonial slider with automatic transitions and customized previous/next buttons, metrics section, pricing table, FAQ accordion, team section with a unique slider, call to action and a beautiful footer.


Garden Store

A stunning free ecommerce Webflow cloneable template perfect for a small business, flower/plant shop and similar industries. This ecommerce template features a strong header with a large image and call to action. Below that you'll find a scrolling text marquee followed by an about us section. A beautiful product info slider with unique previous/next buttons allows you to showcase your business and relevant products. Finally you'll find the product section that includes a unique hover over effect that changes the image. Bellow you'll see a scroll interaction that displays a download app call to action and finally a beautiful footer and additional picture gallery.

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Designer/developer✨Webflow ✨

I have
templates featured on Flowradar.
I'm active in the Webflow community and have created
cloneables that have been included above.
My cloneables are featured in the following categories
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and I'm always looking forward to build more.