Webflow sync, pageviews & more.

eBook Landing

A perfect landing page for your eBook landing page lead generation site in Webflow. This template features a large call to action and a static opt in form that is always visible as you scroll down the site. This simple eBook landing page is perfect for white papers, PDF downloads and eBook landing pages. The site features an easy way to add an opt-in form for a lead generation in Webflow.

Want to build a multi step form in Webflow? This is a way to build a multi-step form in Webflow. By default creating a form you're limited to only a single form, using this method you can create a multi step contact form via a native Webflow slider.

A simple pricing table with a three column design for Webflow. This simple pricing table features a blue design with gradients, animated circles background, and a primary pricing package with features options.

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Yader Gil

specialize in helping businesses to grow, Combining High-end designs, Marketing, Automation & SEO that deliver real Results.

I have
templates featured on Flowradar.
I'm active in the Webflow community and have created
cloneables that have been included above.
My cloneables are featured in the following categories
and I'm always looking forward to build more.