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31 Webflow templates with Marquee components

Webflow templates that include marquees and scrolling marquee components. These Webflow templates come with prebuilt marquees, vertical and horizontal marquees and more.

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Creative Agency Webflow Template

Creative Agency Webflow Template

A very well designed Webflow template perfect for web design agencies, designers and creatives. This template features a large hero section with rotating text and a unique time changer based on the city in the rotation. This clean and sophisticated template features unique mouse hover interactions in the portfolio section. When a user hovers over the image a preview of the project/site is displayed. There's a large about us text area, client logo bar, services section, awards text marquee, and contact form and team section.

Webflow Designer Webflow Template

Webflow Designer Webflow Template

An exceptionally well designed parallax driven Webflow cloneable website. This personal portfolio site features a unique header with scroll interactions, strong large text sections, a scrolling marquee, custom mouse cursors, a steps process, mouse hover interactions, text animations and much more.

Modern Design Portfolio Webflow Template

Modern Design Portfolio Webflow Template

Gavril is a free portfolio Webflow template ideal for creatives and web designer sites. This template features a number of unique, and impressive interactions that make this site pop out from the rest. The header features a large headline with unique mouse cursor that changes into an emoticon on hovering over the headline. There's also a hashtag scrolling marquee found at the top of the page. As you scroll down you'll notice a variety of images. As you hover over the images a masking effect shows the true colored image. Each area seems to have a unique interaction as you view the site. There's an awards area, and dual scrolling infinite marquees, a date and time in the footer.

Modern Church Webflow Template

Modern Church Webflow Template

Lifehouse Church is a free Webflow template perfect for churches and small retail business sites. This template features a number of unique interactions and design features. The hero section features a large headline and call to actions. As you scroll down you'll notice an events section on a draggable slider and an infinite marquee followed by an about section and a sermon call to action. Lower on the page you'll find pages dedicated to various age groups and a menu/footer. The template features about pages, team pages, sermon pages, event pages and a donation page.

Web Designer Portfolio Webflow Template

Web Designer Portfolio Webflow Template

A stunning, and well designed Webflow template cloneable ideal for web designers, creatives and those looking to create a portfolio site. This template features a large hero section with a strong call to action, a split/mirrored client logo marquee, large about section, scroll interaction portfolio area, testimonial section and a call to action. There are several different pages included with this free template, including projects, services, about and a contact page.

Retail Beverage Webflow Template

Retail Beverage Webflow Template

A unique and modern Webflow template perfect for a food product site, restaurant or retail site. The template features a huge hero section with text that changes colors, as you scroll down there's a rotating page scrolling interaction and further information about the food. Scrolling down there's a product image section, and call to action as well as a large feature section. There's a product health information/metrics section, with an image. Additional product information with a scrolling text marquee. The template features animations, about and location information, a call to action and an accordion with native Webflow interactions.

NFT Art Webflow Template

NFT Art Webflow Template

A beautiful rebuild of the Cryptopunks website built in Webflow using the Relume Library. This dark themed site includes an infinite scrolling marquee, menu, call to actions, tabs, slider, scroll interactions, step process, FAQ section, and a footer.

Creative Design Studio Webflow Template

Creative Design Studio Webflow Template

Init Studio is a free Webflow template perfect for creative design studios and agencies. This template features a large hero section with a background video. As you scroll down the page you're presented with an about/story section that includes team photos followed by a location picture slider. The site design features pictures of the coworking space layed out in a unique and spaced way. There's a features area that outlines who the coworking space is best for and a contact us section.

Digital Design Studio Webflow Template

Digital Design Studio Webflow Template

Circle saves you countless hours of design and development time. The design is made in the white style, which makes the website memorable and the black/white color palette makes it unique.

Creative Designer Portfolio Webflow Template

Creative Designer Portfolio Webflow Template

A well designed personal designer portfolio site for Webflow. Featuring unique scroll interactions, about section, case study, page loader, infinite marquee, call to action, menu and much more.

Athletics Ecommerce Webflow Template

Athletics Ecommerce Webflow Template

A modern and unique free Webflow cloneable template perfect for an ecommerce or online store. This template features a strong, scrolling marquee header section with three primary products. These products feature a hover over blur effect, below you'll find a strong quote/motto followed by additional products. The featured gear section includes a hover over effect that highlights the product name and includes a rotating circle banner over the product image. Below you'll find a strong call to action, additional information and a footer section.

Calendar App Webflow Template

Calendar App Webflow Template

A stunning and well designed Webflow cloneable template perfect for Startups, SaaS, technology focused services. This design provides modern web standards via a beautiful hero section, with headline highlights. A menu with call to action buttons, a mission statement, a scrolling interaction demoing the product, scrolling features expanding interaction, integrations section, a scrolling testimonial marquee, an infinite features marquee.

Retail Restaurant Webflow Template

Retail Restaurant Webflow Template

A rebuild of Lucciano's beautiful site in Webflow perfect for restaurants, ice cream parlors, and other retail food industry sites. This template features a large, background video hero section showcasing the ice cream making process. As you scroll down you're presented with beautiful imagery and a parallax style scroll interaction and then the products available for purchase. Each flavor has a unique hover interaction providing more information about the product. Farther down you can find location information and an automatic transition slider of images from various locations. This template features a news/blog section, client logo area and a unique footer area.

Creative Design Studio Webflow Template

Creative Design Studio Webflow Template

A stunning Webflow template perfect for creatives, personal portoflios and web designers. This template is gorgeous featuring a number of unique interactions, such as the transparent menu and blended menu on scroll. The hero section features two infinite marquees moving in different directions. As you scroll down you're presented with feature cards, a background video about section, a portfolio section featuring custom cursors, with a rotating page scroll percent indicator, farther down there's another marquee with the client logos, finally there's a testimonial slider with custom design and unique previous and next buttons. A unique team section with custom name marquee and previous next buttons on images.

SaaS App Landing Page Webflow Template

SaaS App Landing Page Webflow Template

A stunning rebuild of Plinks site as a Webflow template perfect for SaaS, technology sites, and app landing pages. This Webflow template has a large hero section with a background video, scrolling down you're presented with a scroll animation with a large unique selling proposition headline and features section. Further down additional 3D animated icons present features, below is a scrolling marquee with logo. A great landing page with a variety of animations, scrolling interactions and large design elements.

Digital Branding Design Webflow Template

Digital Branding Design Webflow Template

A stunning and very well designed portfolio Webflow cloneable perfect for designers, creatives and others to showcase their portfolios and work. This features a large header section with a primary image and information header. As the user scrolls down there are scroll interactions that add depth to the site. Below that there's a scrolling marquee that's offset at an angle. Further down there's an about section followed by a testimonial slider with customized previous/next buttons. A unique client logo bar is shown with a tastefully done design. As the user scrolls further on the page page scroll animations show the projects/portfolio section. Finally a large call to action is shown

Software SaaS Webflow Template

Software SaaS Webflow Template

The total package with which you can build beautiful, high converting and professional startup websites that make you stand out.

Creative Designer Portfolio Webflow Template

Creative Designer Portfolio Webflow Template

Design&Creation is an elegant, modern Webflow template with beautiful animations. It can be used as a portfolio, digital/design agency website or a photography website.

Restaurant Delivery Webflow Template

Restaurant Delivery Webflow Template

Looking to create an amazing website for your delivery startup? Presenting Deliver X, our top-notch delivery app Webflow Template designed for modern gig-economy apps looking to have a world-class website to start getting users!

Musical Artist Webflow Template

Musical Artist Webflow Template

A beautifully designed Webflow cloneable template perfect for musicians, artists and similar creative sites. This template features a large, scrolling marquee and the site is split into two sections. The left shows an upcoming show date, and about section. The right side is a scrollable section showing recent news, upcoming shows, artists and more.

Website Designer Webflow Template

Website Designer Webflow Template

A beautifully designed portfolio Website cloneable template that features dynamic elements to make your portfolio pop. This features a scrolling text marquee hero section, scroll animations, custom mouse cursors, scrolling text effects, a dynamic menu slide in effect and much more.

Modern Shopping Webflow Template

Modern Shopping Webflow Template

Crafted with the modern ecommerce shopper in mind. Experience the high-quality design and sheer power of Shopverse that will scale your online store.

Dental Clinic Webflow Template

Dental Clinic Webflow Template

Perfect template for dentist clinic. Modern design connected with Webflow, powerful CMS for blog, team, offer and recommendations.

Commercial Film Webflow Template

Commercial Film Webflow Template

Studio2055 is a premium Webflow template for film editors, creative studios, or anyone who wants to showcase their work online.

Creative Studio Landing Page Webflow Template

Creative Studio Landing Page Webflow Template

Another beautiful free Webflow template perfect for interior designers, creatives, and web designers. This template features a large hero section with a background image, large headline, and scrolling marquee. As you scroll down you're presented with a client logo marquee bar, a features section, call to action, testimonial slider, and a features card section, finally there's a team scrolling image marquee. The template includes premade service page, project portfolio page, about and a contact page.

Church Event Webflow Template

Church Event Webflow Template

A retro fun free Webflow template perfect for a church or events style site. This template features a bold hero section with a scrolling infinite image marquee. As you scroll down you'll see the navigation buttons that feature a fun playful design with a gradient and hover interaction. Further down the page you see the different activities based on the areas for the event following the fun retro style design associated with the site. The template features event activities, about the event, gallery and more.

Digital Studio Webflow Template

Digital Studio Webflow Template

Micro – creative multi-concept agency & portfolio theme. The design is made in the white style, which makes the website memorable and the neon color palette makes it unique. Micro is also suitable for projects, businesses, corporate sites.

Watches Ecommerce Webflow Template

Watches Ecommerce Webflow Template

A sophisticated style for stores with impactful imagery and multiple collections.

Architectural Design Firm Webflow Template

Architectural Design Firm Webflow Template

Nifty Webflow Eccomerce template is ideal for architects, furniture designers, businesses, and those who need an easy, attractive and effective way to share their work with clients.

Personal Design Portfolio Webflow Template

Personal Design Portfolio Webflow Template

Nina Smith – creative multi-concept portfolio template. The design is made in a clean style, which makes the website memorable and the colorful color palette makes it unique.

Freelance Artist Webflow Template

Freelance Artist Webflow Template

Ofelia is a template made for every artist, designer, and creative alike. Showcase your portfolio and art shop, it is filled versatile elements and layouts.