Ghostbusters is a fun and creative website template built in Webflow that is perfect for fans of the iconic movie. The template features a number of unique interactions and animations that bring the site to life.
The hero section features a trailer video play button that lets you preview the movie right on the homepage. As you scroll down the page, you'll notice the smooth scrolling effect that makes navigating the site a breeze. The template also includes a background snippet about the movie, complete with imagery from the film.
One of the standout features of the Ghostbusters template is the caution tape scroll interaction. As you scroll down the page, the caution tape moves along with you, adding a fun and dynamic element to the site. The template also includes a draggable slider featuring the cast of the movie, so you can get to know the actors and learn more about their roles in the film.
As you continue to scroll down the page, you'll come across an about section with images from the movie integrated into the text. This adds another layer of visual interest to the site and helps to bring the story of Ghostbusters to life.
Further down the page, there is a unique mouse ghost interaction that adds a 3D element to the site. A ghostbuster ghost rotates on the page based on the location of your mouse, adding a fun and interactive element to the site. In this section, there are also videos that start playing as you hover over links, and they will follow your mouse movement for added effect.
Finally, the template includes an "equipment" section with a slider that has unique transitions. This moves several images and text in and out in a fun and engaging way, making it easy to browse the different items used by the ghostbusters in the movie.
Give your agency the best outfit on the web. ZeroDesign is a Webflow UI Kit that allows you to range between many design solutions and choose the one that is closest to your style.
A rebuild of Masterclass sites offered as a Webflow cloneable template perfect for video sites, educational courses and learning services. This template features a bold hero section with a large hero, video area, and call to action. Below the hero section you'll find a logo/as see on bar followed by a large call to action area. As you scroll down you'll see a unique feature section with a dynamic clicking area for teacher information. Following that area you'll see additional course information, a teacher slider, metrics area and then a tabbed course area showing teachers in various industries. There's also a unique testimonial slider, social media area and a FAQ accordion with interactions.
A fun build of a fans Ghostbuster movie site built as a template in Webflow. This template features a number of unique and creative interactions that make this site pop. It features a large hero section with a trailer video play button. As you scroll down you'll notice the smooth scrolling added to the template. The template then features a background snippet about the movie Ghostbusters with imagery. There's a caution tape scroll interaction in which the caution moves as you scroll down the page. There's a draggable slider featuring the cast of the movie. As you scroll down there's an about section with images from the movie in line with the text. Further down there's a unique mouse ghost interaction in which a ghostbuster ghost rotates 3 dimensionally based on the location of the mouse on the page. In this section there are videos that start playing as you hover over links and it follows your movement. Finally there's an "equipment" section with a slider that has unique transitions which move several images and text in and out in a fun way.
A perfect free Webflow cloneable template for photographers, videographers and other similar industries. This template features a blended menu, strong grid style layout with a large hero and primary image, about section, cards with hover interactions, hover interactions on the about/feature icons and footer section. The story, or blog section, is perfect for any photographer documenting their travels and experiences. Offering a grid style layout in which each post has a hover over interaction.
An exotic and fun free Webflow cloneable template for a musical event for a school. This is a fun starting point for any type of event or school website that wants a unique event design. This template includes a parallax style hero section that provides depth based on the mouse movement on the page. As you scroll down you'll see a fully functional countdown clock until the event time. Further down you're presented with the actors in a unique horizontal scroller, as the user hovers over the actors image the image comes to life and starts playing a video snippet. Each actor has their own page with a cover shot and a modal window resume div.
Music X Webflow Template was designed to help your music band, or yourself as a musician to launch an amazing website. With Music Webflow template, you will have all the pages your will need to have a great online presence and amaze your fans.
Salt comes with a multitude of carefully designed page layouts, purpose-built content blocks that when pieced together create stunning, professional layouts.
A rebuild of Hulu's site perfect for a video or media site. This template offers a menu, search as well as a large hero section featuring the primary video/TV show. Scrolling down you'll see the UI that you're familiar with hulu, including separate sections, sliders and featured TV shows.
Naomi Stone is a carefully crafted portfolio, photography template for freelance creatives. The design is made in a clean style, which makes the website memorable.
A beautifully designed Webflow cloneable template perfect for musicians, artists and similar creative sites. This template features a large, scrolling marquee and the site is split into two sections. The left shows an upcoming show date, and about section. The right side is a scrollable section showing recent news, upcoming shows, artists and more.
A fun build of a fans Ghostbuster movie site built as a template in Webflow. This template features a number of unique and creative interactions that make this site pop. It features a large hero section with a trailer video play button. As you scroll down you'll notice the smooth scrolling added to the template. The template then features a background snippet about the movie Ghostbusters with imagery. There's a caution tape scroll interaction in which the caution moves as you scroll down the page. There's a draggable slider featuring the cast of the movie. As you scroll down there's an about section with images from the movie in line with the text. Further down there's a unique mouse ghost interaction in which a ghostbuster ghost rotates 3 dimensionally based on the location of the mouse on the page. In this section there are videos that start playing as you hover over links and it follows your movement. Finally there's an "equipment" section with a slider that has unique transitions which move several images and text in and out in a fun way.