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Can I display star ratings for accommodations in my Webflow CMS-based golf packages and have them reflected with star images on the frontend page?


Yes, you can definitely display star ratings for accommodations in your Webflow CMS-based golf packages and have them reflected with star images on the frontend page. Here's how you can achieve this:

1. Set up a Collection in Webflow CMS:
- Create a Collection called "Accommodations" or something similar.
- Add fields to your Collection, including a field for the star rating (e.g., "Star Rating") and other relevant information such as accommodation name, description, images, etc.

2. Add Accommodations to CMS:
- Go to the CMS Editor and add accommodation entries with their respective star ratings.
- Make sure to input the star ratings as a numerical value (e.g., 3.5).

3. Design your frontend page:
- Design your frontend page using the Webflow Designer or Editor.
- Create a dynamic list on the page to pull data from the "Accommodations" Collection.

4. Add star rating elements:
- Inside the dynamic list item, add an element (e.g., a div) to represent the star rating.
- Create the necessary CSS classes for the star ratings (e.g., empty star, half star, full star) using Webflow's class styles or custom code.

5. Set up dynamic data binding:
- Bind the star rating element to the "Star Rating" field in the Collection.
- Use conditional statements or custom code to determine how many stars to display based on the numerical value of the "Star Rating" field.

6. Apply star images:
- Upload star images to your Webflow project (e.g., empty star, half star, full star images).
- Use CSS background images to apply the star images to the star rating element dynamically, according to the star rating value.

By following these steps, you can display star ratings for accommodations in your Webflow CMS-based golf packages and have them reflected with star images on the frontend page. Remember to adjust the design and layout to suit your specific needs and styling preferences.

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