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Has anyone experienced display issues in Internet Explorer 11 with Webflow websites and found any solutions or suggestions to address this problem across multiple sites?

Yes, it's not uncommon to experience display issues in Internet Explorer 11 with websites built on Webflow or any other modern website builder. Internet Explorer 11 is an outdated browser with limited support for modern web technologies and standards.

To address this problem, there are a few steps you can take to improve the compatibility of your Webflow websites with Internet Explorer 11:

1. Check browser compatibility: Webflow provides a browser compatibility feature that allows you to see how your website looks on different browsers, including Internet Explorer 11. This tool can help you identify specific issues and inconsistencies with your website's display.

2. Use Flexbox and Grid fallbacks: Internet Explorer 11 has limited support for CSS Flexbox and Grid layouts, which could cause layout issues on your website. Webflow provides built-in flexbox and grid fallback options that you can enable to ensure that your website still looks presentable in Internet Explorer 11. These fallbacks utilize CSS float and other techniques to replicate the desired layout.

3. Avoid using modern CSS properties: Internet Explorer 11 lacks support for many modern CSS properties and selectors. To ensure compatibility, avoid using properties like "transform," "opacity," and selectors like ":nth-child" or ":last-child." Instead, use traditional CSS techniques or consider adding specific CSS hacks for Internet Explorer 11.

4. Test your website in Internet Explorer 11: It's crucial to test your Webflow website regularly in Internet Explorer 11 to identify and fix any specific issues. You can use virtual machines or browser testing tools like BrowserStack or Sauce Labs to test your website on different versions of Internet Explorer.

5. Provide graceful degradation: If it becomes too cumbersome to support Internet Explorer 11 fully, consider providing a graceful degradation approach. This means ensuring that your website at least remains usable and accessible on Internet Explorer 11, even if some modern design elements or features are not fully supported.

6. Educate users to upgrade: Internet Explorer 11 is an outdated browser, and Microsoft has officially moved away from it in favor of Microsoft Edge. Consider educating your website visitors who use Internet Explorer 11 to upgrade to a more modern browser for a better user experience and enhanced security.

By following these steps, you can address display issues in Internet Explorer 11 and improve the compatibility of your Webflow websites across multiple sites. However, it's important to note that providing full support for an outdated browser like Internet Explorer 11 may not always be feasible or practical, especially if it hampers the overall user experience or limits your ability to utilize modern web technologies.

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