Webflow sync, pageviews & more.

How can I create animations that trigger when scrolling to different sections on my website built with Webflow and using CSS Scroll Snap, even when the "scroll into view" interaction doesn't work correctly?


When the "scroll into view" interaction doesn't work correctly, there are still ways to create animations that trigger when scrolling to different sections on your website built with Webflow and using CSS Scroll Snap. Here's an alternative approach you can try:

1. Set up your sections: Divide your website content into different sections using Webflow's Div Block or Section elements. Make sure each section has a unique class name for targeting with custom code.

2. Add custom code: In the Webflow Designer, go to the Project Settings and navigate to the Custom Code tab. In the Footer Code section, add the following JavaScript code:

var sections = document.querySelectorAll('.your-section-class');

var observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) {
entries.forEach(function(entry) {
if (entry.intersectionRatio > 0) {
// Add your animation class or code here
} else {
// Remove animation class or code here

sections.forEach(function(section) {

3. Customize animation class and styles: Replace `'your-section-class'` in the JavaScript code with the class name you assigned to your sections. Additionally, replace `'animate-class'` with the desired class name for your animation, which you'll need to define in your Webflow project's custom CSS.

4. Define animation styles: In the Webflow Designer, navigate to the Style Manager and create a new class with the animation styles you want to apply when the section comes into view. Make sure to follow the usual Webflow steps for creating animations, such as using the Transform and Transition properties or adding animations with the Interaction panel.

By implementing this code, the JavaScript Intersection Observer API will detect when each section comes into view while scrolling, triggering the specified animation class. The animation class should contain the styles or Webflow interactions that animate the targeted section.

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