Webflow sync, pageviews & more.

Is it possible to make the logo slider in the retailer sections of my Webflow site continuously rotate smoothly from right to left instead of changing like a regular slider?


Yes, it is possible to create a continuously rotating logo slider in Webflow. Here's one approach to achieve this effect:

1. Add a slider component to your Webflow site by dragging and dropping the Slider element from the Add panel into your retailer section.
2. Inside the slider, add a slide for each logo you want to display. You can duplicate the slide for each logo or add them manually.
3. Set the slider's properties by selecting the slider element and navigating to the Slider settings in the right-hand panel. Adjust the settings according to your preferences, such as autoplay, slide duration, and transition speed.
4. By default, the slider will change slides with a fade transition. To modify this behavior, you'll need to add custom code.
5. Click on the settings gear icon in the top-right corner of the Designer interface, and select "Site Settings" from the dropdown menu.
6. In the Site Settings panel, click on the Custom code tab.
7. In the Head code section, you can write custom CSS and JavaScript to control the behavior of your slider.
8. For continuous rotation, you can add the following CSS code inside a `