Yes, you can use JavaScript code to detect the browser language and then redirect visitors to a specific page based on their language preferences in Webflow's Custom Code. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:
In this code snippet, we first check the browser language using `window.navigator.userLanguage` or `window.navigator.language`. Then, we define an object `languageUrls` that maps language codes to their corresponding URLs.
Next, we extract the language code from the browser language using `substring(0, 2)` as most language codes follow a two-letter format. We then check if the language code exists in the `languageUrls` object. If it does, we redirect the user to the corresponding language page using `window.location.href`. If the language is not supported, we redirect them to a default page.
You can add more languages and their corresponding URLs to the `languageUrls` object as needed. Simply extend the object with additional key-value pairs following the pattern `'language-code': '/language-page'`.
Make sure to insert this code within the `