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Can the section in my Webflow Home page, where a CMS collection of events is displayed, be automatically hidden when there are no events?

Yes, you can automatically hide the section on your Webflow Home page when there are no events in the CMS collection. Here's how you can achieve this:

1. Open your Webflow project and navigate to the Home page where the section with the CMS collection of events is located.

2. Select the section element that contains the CMS collection of events.

3. In the right sidebar, under the "Display settings" section, click on the "+" button to add a new condition.

4. In the condition dropdown, select "Collection list" and choose the CMS collection that you are using for your events.

5. In the "When" dropdown, select "Is Empty" to check if there are no events in the collection.

6. Now, in the Visibility dropdown, select "Hide" to hide the section when there are no events in the collection.

7. Make sure to save your changes.

By setting up this condition, the section will automatically be hidden when there are no events in the CMS collection. When you add events to the collection, the section will become visible again.

This feature allows you to dynamically control the visibility of sections based on the content of the CMS collection, providing a seamless user experience by only displaying relevant content.

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