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Can the Webflow YouTube component recognize channel IDs instead of video IDs for embedding a Live Stream?

No, currently the Webflow YouTube component only recognizes video IDs for embedding videos or live streams. It does not have built-in functionality to recognize channel IDs for embedding live streams.

To embed a live stream using the Webflow YouTube component, you need to obtain the video ID of the live stream. The video ID is a unique identifier assigned to each video or live stream on YouTube. You can find the video ID in the URL of the live stream. It usually comes after the "v=" parameter in the URL.

For example, if the URL of your live stream is:

Then, "abcdefghijk" is the video ID that you need to use in the Webflow YouTube component to embed the live stream.

If you want to embed a live stream from a YouTube channel, you can create a custom code embed in Webflow and use the YouTube Iframe API to achieve that. The YouTube Iframe API allows you to embed and control embedded YouTube videos using JavaScript.

Using the API, you can specify the channel ID instead of the video ID in your custom code embed. You'll need to write JavaScript code to load the YouTube Iframe API, create an embedded player, and set its source to the live stream from the channel ID.

Here's an example of how to embed a live stream from a channel using the YouTube Iframe API:

1. Add the YouTube Iframe API script in your Webflow project. You can add it to the custom code section of your project settings or within the page you want the live stream to appear.



2. Add a container element in your Webflow project where you want the live stream to appear.



3. Write JavaScript code to create the embedded player and set its source to the live stream from the channel ID.



Make sure to replace 'YOUR_CHANNEL_ID' with your actual YouTube channel ID, and 'YOUR_API_KEY' with your actual YouTube Data API key. You can obtain a YouTube Data API key by creating a project in the Google Cloud Console and enabling the YouTube Data API for that project.

This custom code embed using the YouTube Iframe API allows you to embed live streams from a YouTube channel using the channel ID instead of the video ID in Webflow.

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