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Why is the filtered checkbox not working when I click on each profession in Webflow? And why is the collection list I created in the multi-reference field not showing in the Collection List I created, requiring me to use options for the collection?


There could be several reasons why the filtered checkbox is not working when you click on each profession in Webflow. Let's break it down and troubleshoot the issue step by step:

1. Ensure the checkbox element is properly set up: Double-check that you have set up the checkbox element correctly and it is bound to the appropriate field in your collection. Make sure the option values correspond exactly to the values in your collection.

2. Verify the collection filter settings: Go to the Collection List settings and make sure you have set up the correct filter criteria. Check if you have selected the profession field from the collection and configured it to filter based on the checkbox values.

3. Check the data in your collection: Review the data in your collection to ensure that each item has the correct profession value assigned. If the checkbox values don't match with the profession field values in the collection, the filtering won't work as expected.

4. Test the interaction: If everything seems to be set up correctly, test the interaction by publishing your site and checking if the filtering works as expected. It's possible that the issue might be related to a preview mode or caching problem within the Webflow Designer.

Regarding the second issue with the multi-reference field not showing in the Collection List, there could be a couple of reasons for this:

1. Double-check your collection structure: Ensure that you have properly set up your collection fields and relationships. Make sure the multi-reference field is correctly linked to the desired collection(s).

2. Verify the Collection List settings: In the Collection List settings, ensure that you have selected the correct collection and configured the filter criteria to display the desired items. Check if you have chosen the multi-reference field as the filter parameter.

3. Preview collection data: Make sure that you have added content to the multi-reference field for each item in the collection. Without any references, the Collection List won't display any items.

4. Use options for the collection: If you're having trouble directly displaying the multi-reference field in the Collection List, you can try using options instead. Create a new collection list that references the same collection, set up the appropriate filters, and use the option values in that collection list to display the desired items.

By going through these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issues with the filtered checkbox functionality and the display of the multi-reference field in your Collection List in Webflow.

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