Fancy and useful Webflow tab cloneables that turn the boring native Webflow tabs into something special.
Here's a way to utilize a tab change interaction for your Webflow sites. Upon clicking the tab the elements animate and the tab changes. Note that any interactions happening within the tab page much start after any interactions within the tab link are finished. Otherwise the tab component will cut off the animation resulting in nothing happening within the tab pane itself.
Power up your Webflow tabs through a timed, auto-rotating tabs feature. This is perfect to add emphasis to your Webflow tabs and more specifically demos, explainers, testimonials and just about everything else you can think of. This is a super simple script that adds auto rotation to Webflows native tabs.
Here's a way to create auto rotating tabs in Webflow based on a timed interval. This helps animate the static tabs and create a auto-rotating tab functionality, which are set for 5 seconds in this demonstration. This allows you to use the native Webflow tab functionality and users can still click between tabs. Interactions also still work. The animation and auto changing stops when a user hovers over any tab. This technique uses some custom code found in the embeds as well as Webflow native interactions.
Perfect for a services or overview page on a Webflow site. This progress bar indicates where you've scrolled through and which content you're currently viewing. The progress bar was created to scroll to the dynamic CMS collection blocks, typically this is not possible with Webflow since collections can't have anchor links. This was resolved via a nice hack by assigning the ID to the collection classes through an embed and then converting the progress bar links to anchor links so that you can scroll through the various content naturally.
Three well designed tab content interactions perfect for your Webflow site. The first variation has a unique sliding feature when a new tab is selected, the content then appears to fade in coming in from the bottom. The second variation has an underline for the active tab, the active tab underline then moves to the next selected tab while the content appears to fade in from the bottom. The final version appears to fade in from the left to the right with a different appearance to the content. These tabs all utilize Webflow's native tabs with Webflow interactions. Keep in mind that all of the tabs are individual interactions so the more tabs that you add the more interactions you'll need for each individual tab. Overall these are well designed and thought out tabs that would be perfect for any Webflow site.
Unfortunately Webflow's native component switches between tabs can be rough on the eyes and somewhat jarring. Using a bit of CSS this cloneable allows for a smooth transition between tabs with visual images by using a small snippet of CSS to override the default tab transition making for a milky smooth transition.
Here's a unique underline animation for tabs in Webflow. When you hover over a tab, an animated underline interaction is triggered. The tabbed items also have a hover over interaction in which a view magnetic button appears and follows the cursor over the hovered item.
Fourteen different testimonial components perfect for your Webflow site. These modern and well designed testimonials were created to help you add a testimonial section to your site quickly. The first variation has testimonials featured in an off centered design, the second variation showcases a simple 3 design with a primary quote and user avatar. The third variation is a large slider perfect to include a larger testimonial section to your site. Other variations included branded colored cards in a slider, a picture of the person with their company logo over their face, a large centered slider, a twitter card style, a video testimonial, tab testimonials and many other variations. This is a perfect cloneable if you wanted to add simple or complex designed testimonials to your site.
Here's a way to create a tabbed style slider for Webflow with unique transitions. The previous and next slider buttons are removed and each of the sliders are numbered. Upon clicking on the next number the text and images are slid in via a unique transition. Perfect for changing the way that your slider can be built and displayed within Webflow.
Creating a simple tabs section in Webflow has never been easier thanks to this cloneable. This simple and minimal tabs section design allows you to add tabs styling to your Webflow site.
Easily build your nonprofit or charity site with this cloneable hero section in Webflow. This features fullscreen tabs layout with the ability to display large text content, a full screen menu with unique hover interactions, video lightbox and search functionality.
An accordion with Native tabs absolute sidebar navigation for Webflow. This combines the power of the accordion and native Webflow tabs element with some minor custom code for the numbering of each category. Due to this the method will not work for Webflow CMS. Perfect for an online course, learning module or similar style site.
Tabs can be a pain to create in Webflow. With this cloneable you can get started building your tabs faster and built on top of the client first system by Finsweet. A perfect way to add tabs to Webflow quickly and easily.
An easy way to add expanding tabs with interactions via Webflow. This requires native interactions and zero custom code. A great way of adding additional text descriptions to tabs and save important space on your site.
A custom product display using accordions in Webflow. This product display for Webflow is built with Webflow's native builder and utilizes an accordion like effect with Webflow's native interactions. Each card when clicked explands to show additional product information including a an image, title, product description and price.
A unique effect using Scrollify.js and tabs that scroll/ease in content based on the tab selected in Webflow. Using this method you can create a tabbed section that can be accessed via click or by scrolling down the page. When you scroll down the page the selected section will become highlighted to signify which section you are currently viewing. This method utilizes Scrollify.js so you'll need to add the custom JS found within the closing body tag.
Here's a way to create a sticky tabs section on scroll in Webflow. When users scroll down the page each tab is then stuck to a section. Perfect for adding a dynamic effect to Webflow tabs on your Webflow site.
Another cloneable pricing component created by Flowbase. This version includes tabs for three different variations of pricing.
Want to use Tabs with Webflow sliders to show off your products? This cloneable allows you to showcase a variety of products via tabs with sliders on each internal tabbed results. A great way of displaying a large number of products in a small area.
Add dynamic, auto changing tabs to your Webflow site. These tabs can be changed automatically based on a time interval. Add a dynamic layer to your Webflow native tabs via this unique interaction.
Automatically show the correct tab based on the current day of the week on your Webflow site. This uses some custom code, although shouldn't need to be modified at all when you clone this. A video walkthrough is also included!
A simple yet elegant customized pricing page and tabs design for Webflow. This design uses Webflow's native tabs to allow for customized pricing tables based on yearly or monthly pricing. There are several designs, featuring a simple pricing table with tabs, as well as a full featured comparison pricing table. There are also several bonuses including a seats/user range slider and much more.
Looking to create tabs with Webflow CMS? Here's a way of achieving tabs driven by Webflow's CMS adding extra functionality to your site.
Here's a beautifully designed custom onboarding form to collect/update member information at any time. This could be used for onboarding, profile updating, account setup and much more.
A modern and responsive pricing section with two different plans. A light mode and a dark mode is available.